A Regular Morning?

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-Tanjiro POV- 

The sun had soon risen to the sky and was slowly bringing light onto the earth, I had to close the curtains tighter so someone next to me wouldn't burn to death. Soon after that, I had made my way downstairs leaving him in the bed all alone heh. Upon arriving downstairs I saw most of the uppermoons there Daiki, Douma, Akaza, and Kokushibou. "Oh umm...good morning..?" "Good Morning Tanjiro!" Douma said with a happy tone the rest nodded with Douma which probably indicated them saying good morning to me too.

 I made my way to the kitchen and checked the fridge...there was absolutely nothing in there, just an empty fridge and me with an empty stomach.."I'm going out" "Huh, Why?" "The fridge is empty.." I replied "Oh alright let me come with you," Kokushibou said "Huh, but the sun.." "Don't worry about it" That's all he said and we both left the infinity fortress (Don't ask how..just logic..haha?)

We had gone to the town square and just looked around for a bit till I saw the supermarket, we entered and it wasn't too busy but there were still a lot of people. I took a cart and started to shop once I had finished we went to the cashier and paid for the groceries (Yea I don't know how they got that money either..so just..play along 😅) Leaving the supermarket and then headed home so I can cook for my empty stomach.

-Muzan POV-

Yes, I was the "Him" that Tanjiro left all alone in bed..just me by myself, Teleporting downstairs and seeing mostly all the uppermoons but where was Tanjiro? "Where is Tanjiro?" "Oh he went shopping with Kokushibou," Said Douma "Why?" "He said we have no groceries so he went to go get some." Akaza replied, "Ah alright". I went to my office to get some work done my office was filled to the brim with paperwork waiting to be done, but it was time to get started better than later."

 After a bit, I had teleported back 'home' to see my Daughter I'd take her with me if I kill her Mother but it wasn't time to do so yet. "Good Morning Emma" "Oh Morning Dad!" Emma said while rubbing her eyes, I love Emma just as my own daughter. "Would you like to come with Daddy to go somewhere?" "Huh? Oh ok!" She said with an excited tone it was cute. "Ok go brush your teeth and get ready, you can be able to meet new people too." "Yay! More friends!" Emma said and then walked back upstairs so she could get ready.

After Emma was soon done we headed to the infinity fortress (No he didn't teleport they went by foot then a carriage) We soon arrived and I saw Tanjiro was back from shopping, "Good Morning Love" "Huh? Oh Good Morning!" "I'm the guy you left in bed don't you remember?" "Oh..haha" "I'm just gonna go cook now..." "Alright, can you cook for Emma too?" "Hm Oh! Of Course" He said.

-Author's Note-

Thank you all for reading Chapter 1 of His Little ~Lover~ Season 2! I wasn't really planning to make a Season 2 but I just felt like writing again! Plus I don't think it was really a proper ending for Season 1 :D



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