The Accident...

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I'm proud of myself for my perfect KDA, anyway I hope you enjoy! wink wink

-3rd POV-

Tanjiro was walking with Emma on their way home, Emma was curious and looked around the market. "Woahhh! What is this?" Emma asked, "That's a fan, Emma." "It looks really pretty!!! can you dance with it?" "Maybe, if you behave well." "Ok! I'll do it" Emma was determined to see Tanjiro dance with a fan. She thought he'd look so beautiful dancing in the nighttime, and he'd put on a show just for her.

It was starting to turn darker and the market with all their lights shined very bright. "Can we keep looking? I don't wanna go home yet!" "Just a little longer ok?" "Ok!". Emma was looking around asking questions and Tanjiro like a good "mother" answered every single one of her questions. They were trying to get to another stall, Emma was walking in front of Tanjiro and still asking questions.

 "Emma slow down you're going too fast!" "Don't worry! I'll be ok!" Tanjiro was worried that Emma was going to fast without him. A carriage was rushing towards the street, "Emma! Watch out!" Tanjiro pushed Emma out of the way, and in the end, he got hit.. 

People were crowding around the carriage and Tanjiro too. He was lying on the ground blood everywhere people were looking at him with fear and sorrow in their eyes, "Somone call a doctor!" Someone shouted. Emma was looking at Tanjiro with sadness and guilt "..N-no!" Emma yelled she was on her knees crying and pleading that he'd be ok.

Soon enough a Doctor came and bandaged him while inspecting him..."He might not make it..." the doctor said...People looked at Emma crying and pleading they felt bad for her that she had to witness an event right in front of her eyes. Muzan knowing his instincts he knew Tanjiro wasn't ok, he and the uppermoons rushed to the market...and there Muzan saw his body on the ground in bandages. 

He felt like he could cry but he couldn't..he rushed towards Tanjiro and picked him up in a bridal carry walking away from the scene, he saw the blood on the floor knowing it was Tanjiro's. "You can't leave me.."

 Daki was carrying Emma telling her it'd be ok and Tanjiro would be fine but she knew he wouldn't, Muzan carried Tanjiro to their room and set him down on the bed tucking him in and making sure he wouldn't be cold. "Please don't leave me.." Muzan was on the brink of crying trying to hold back all his tears of his lover, in the end, he couldn't and let it all out.

A few days later Emma was still crying and Muzan was sulking in his office about his lover, the uppermoons were worried for the both of them. Daki would take care of Emma and try to make her feel better, while the other uppermoons were taking care of Tanjiro.

 A week passed by then 3 weeks passed and soon enough 3 months, by that time it was Autumn the leaves were dying and crops was too Tanjiro was still in a coma. Emma and Muzan were all still sad, Tanjiro didn't look like he would wake up but there was still enough hope.



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