The Cutie Is Mad

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-3rd POV-

It was morning yet again like usual, but something was more...unusual. Tanjiro was ignoring and doing everything he could to avoid crossing paths with Muzan. This was highly unlike him, everyone knew that Tanjiro would most of the time let Muzan rest on him but today he was way more distant. Who knows maybe it's because of the night before or maybe it was something Muzan had done wrong. 

"Psstt Hey does anyone notice something wrong with Tanjiro or is it just me?" Douma asks "I agree! he's been avoiding a lot" replies Daki "Who knows? Shouldn't we just ask master about it?" "Are you kidding?! He'd never tell us" Argues Douma "Yea not to you of course" says Daki "Actually none of us, I'd like to see yall try and get an answer from him!"

 Douma himself was of the insults but everyone in the room knew it was true. "Look why are we all even sitting on the floor like idiots?!" "I don't know because you said you wanted to talk about something?" "Well yes" "Plus Tanjiro is right there can't he hear us???" "..."

 All the uppermoons went silent hearing that. "..You're right I can really hear you guys, my hearing is as good as my smelling..." "So you can hear from a very long distance???" "..I- Just bye Douma" and just like that Tanjiro walked upstairs to check on Emma and to probably play with her.

-Muzan POV-

It's been forever and Tanjiro is still ignoring and avoiding me..I mean I maybe did give him some minor hickeys..but that isn't the point. He's most likely to ignore me for eternity.

 This did all start when he woke up from sleeping and he did go to the bathroom and saw all the hickeys..maybe I did give him a bit to much but that's beside the point, He did hit me too so..shouldn't it have been fair? I slide some of the papers off my desk from being a bit to annoyed from Tanjiro avoiding me.

 Maybe I should just go check on Emma, I heard Tanjiro was with her.. "Hey Pumpkin." "Daddy! I was just playing with Papa!" "Already used to calling him, Papa?" "Mhm!" "Pumpkin can you give me some time with Papa in private?" "Huh? Ok! I'll go play with Daki's hair!" "Have fun Emma" Now me and Tanjiro are left in the room all alone.. "..I-" "No. I don't want to hear it." 

Tanjiro speaks with a really stern voice making me shiver a bit, he's really intense when he's mad, and right now..he's really mad at me. "Look..I know what I did was wrong but.." "Oh?! So you knew and kept going?!" "...." "That's what I thought! Go do your paperwork." "Wait-"

 I grab Tanjiro by the arm and stop him from leaving "What." I kiss his hand and just like that he turns red "...f-fine I'll forgive you t-this time..don't expect it next time..." and he left the room. It's pretty easy to make my Wife blush, he's extremely cute when he does too I can't help but want to kiss him. Knowing him right now though he'd probably bite me and lecture me forever.

-Tanjiro POV-

The audacity of this guy! I can't believe he kissed me on the hand.. I can't even believe I forgave him?! I'm so dumb..why do I keep falling for his dumb tricks.. w-whatever... I'm still mad at him, I hate to go downstairs hoping the uppermoons don't notice any of the Hickeys he gave me.. 

His only excuse was "BeCauSe YOu TaSTe GoOd" what excuse is that?! That's the dumbest excuse I've ever even heard of! He still tries to hold me and kiss me! If he does I'll bite him to shreds! "Emma?" "Yes, papa!" "There you are I was trying to find you" "Ohh~ she's calling you Papa now?" "Ahem..Yes, she said she got used to calling me that, I still have a question too"

 "Sure we can try to answer it" "What..what happened to Tsukahiro..?" "...we kinda..killed her..on accident..maybee..haha" "You WHAT?! I didn't expect you to kill her!" "Well, I mean..No evidence was found..right?" " guys are to much" "By the way.. why are you avoiding Master?" "That..No reason!" "Really? You guys seem different today" "Mind your own business, Douma! You stalking creep!" "..Yes sir.." All the uppermoons looked like they were going to laugh at him, I won't lie I did feel bad but he was really a creep.

No Author's note today!

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