Continuing The Day With Emma

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-Tanjiro POV-

While getting the ingredients ready and preparing to cook I hear a voice "Mr.Tanjro..can I help you..?" Emma asked, "Hm? Of course, you can" I gave some instructions for her and we were ready to begin cooking. After cooking and eating I will not lie she's a great assistant and she tries her best and hardest to make it right. "Where's Daddy?" "Oh, he's working in his office" "Oh.."

 Hearing her voice and seeing her expression makes me a little sad but there's nothing I can really do about it. I don't want to disturb Muzan while he's doing paperwork, I've been in that room before and there are quite a lot of papers he needs to get done. "How about this Emma, I'll take you out and we can go shopping," I said "Really?! Can we really go!" She seemed really excited about it so my answer of course was Yes. "Douma Tell Muzan that I'm taking Emma out" "Huh, ok just come back early and safe" and with that we headed out.

We reached the town square and started to look around and explore. "That's so pretty!" I hear her say "Do you like it?" I ask "Yea!" "Then let's buy it" "..but it's really expensive.." I'm not kidding that item was $5.86 "It's not expensive plus I think it'll look great on you" the item she wanted was a cute sunflower hairpin with a lot of details, really cheap for an item like that.

"Let's keep looking around, if you find anything you like just tell me ok?" "Ok!" she says smiling. After a while we bought quite some stuff 2 dresses 3 shirts/tops 3 accessories and 2 pairs of pants, the items weren't too expensive and in my eyes, it was worth it all. 

-Emma POV-

I feel kind of bad for making Mr.Tanjiro buy so many things..they were really really expensive too.. Mommy always tells me to not buy a lot of things because I'm not worth it..but Mr.Tanjiro is different he let me buy what I want and tells me if the item was worth it. "Mr.Tanjiro.." "Yes, Emma?" "Am I worth anything.." I ask "Why?" "Mommy tells me I'm not even worth a penny.."Emma.."

 I was scared of what he would I really worth nothing..? "Em ma Your worth the whole universe, don't listen to what she says about you, you're unique, special, and beautiful in your own way" "Really..?" "Really!, Your Daddy loves you a lot and so do I" hearing him say all those kind things make me forget about what Mommy says to me. Maybe I am special in my own way..

-3rd POV-

Emma and Tanjiro arrive back at the infinity fortress and are greeted by Muzan. "Daddy!" "Did you have fun today?" "Yea! I had a lot of Fun with Mr.Tanjiro!" "Is that so" Muzan looks at Tanjiro and carries Emma to the living room "So what did you guys buy?" Muzan asks "Oh Just some things for Emma" "Ah really?" Muzan pinches Emma's checks "Do you enjoy being with Mr.Tanjiro?" "Yea! I love being with him!" Tanjiro gives a light smile and heads upstairs to take a bath.

After all, that it was soon nighttime (They ate dinner, I don't know where the uppermoons went probably to hunt or something.) The lights were out and then they all are sleeping peacefully, Emma sleeping with Tanjiro and Muzan and Douma just snickering behind the door like a creep...

-Author's Note-

Thank you for reading Chapter 2 :D I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! I'll try to update as much as possible during the weekdays, Thank you all!! :D

With Love,


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