Extra :D

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-3rd POV-

It's been 3 months and Tanjiro still hasn't woken up yet, everything is still the same as before when he was still gone. You could feel a large amount of regret, sorrow, pain, and anxiety everyone in the house we're trying to make Muzan and Emma feel at least a bit better.

 They'd call a doctor to check on Tanjiro daily making sure he'd be ok and still safe at the very least in his coma. Ray was the doctor they'd call every day was a skilled and wise one, very handsome at the least too. Another 3 months passed and still no sign of Tanjiro waking up, Ray was called again for his daily check-up on Tanjiro the shock they received was memorable... "I'm sorry..he didn't make it.." Ray said as he still held the door handle. 

Emma was sobbing praying it wasn't true, Muzan on the other hand turned his head away and tears started to trickle down his face. "I'm sorry..I did all I could to make sure he lived..but it still didn't work.." the uppermoons were as shocked and sad as the other 2 were. Most of them cried and some just hid their tears trying not to cry, was their adorable bean really gone from this world..?

Quite a few days passed since the hearing of the news, each and every single one of them questioned everything in mind going practically insane. Muzan was crying in the room Tanjiro was in holding his cold hand, Tanjiro's hand had never even felt as cold. He could never see his smile again nor hear his beautiful voice. "Sire..I think you should give him some of your blood.." suggested one of the uppermoons, 

"I..can't turn him into a demon.." ".. it's to only solution for him to live once more.." "I-.." Muzan had thought about the idea. Would risking Tanjiro to turn into a demon be worth it... Minutes later Muzan agreed he thought about the pros and cons of the idea, and it'd be the only way they could be happy..

Muzan pierced his finger and dropped some blood in Tanjiro's mouth making sure he swallowed every single drop. Soon enough Tanjiro started to feel pain in his body, Muzan was worried and tried to calm him down the best he could. 

It was extremely painful for him to witness the scene, but he was glad that his sunshine was back with him again. Moments later Tanjiro awoke opening both eyes one was regular and the other was abnormal. Tanjiro wasn't full demon but half, "..I-I'm sorry..but who are you..?" Tanjiro asked.

Muzan's heart sank into his stomach this was the worst possible situation that could happen.."I'm your husband...don't you remember..?" "I..had a lover..?" Tanjiro was questioning so much and trying to think but nothing came up. "I'm sorry but I don't remember..." "It's..ok" but Muzan knew it wasn't deep down he was heartbroken... 

The End..

-Author's Note-

I wrote this Extra chapter mainly because of last chapter and if anyone did want a sad ending instead of a happy one, I was planning to make the ending sad but how could I. Yall wouldn't let me live at all, so I made this Extra as a 'what would've happened' never the less I love all of you and I hope you enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, and more! Stay safe out there where ever you are! Remember I support you for anything unless it's bullying people >:( I won't approve. I hope you enjoyed this Extra! I love all you adorable sunshines!


Sunny <3

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