We meet again...

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-Tanjiro POV-

It's been some time and it still seems that Muzan is still sulking in his office alone, if I'm honest not really my fault! How dare he... I mean..the hand kiss was nice and all but still it did make my heart flutter though.. Who knew he can be so..flirty just thinking about it makes me blush, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still mad at him!

"Mama..don't be mad at Papa anymore..Papa looks really sad..." Emma begged "Emma...It's your Papa's fault, Mama wouldn't be mad if he didn't do something bad but he did." "Ok! I'll go discipline Papa! Leave it to me, Mama!" "Alright, Emma good luck! <3" I replied.

 After quite a while Muzan might've begged for my forgiveness...and let's be honest I'm quite soft-hearted for him but in the end, I did forgive him. "I'm gonna go get some things! I'll be back soon." "Hm? Oh ok" "I wanna go! Pretty please!!!" "Alright come on Emma" Soon enough Me and Emma left to the market thingy (I dunno what it's called..)

I was looking around while Emma was exploring I did make sure she didn't get too far from me after all I didn't want her to get lost and she'd be all alone. "Mama? Can I get this?" Emma asked the item she wanted was a very elegant dress it was sparkly and overall very good quality..so we got it. "Emma would you like anything to eat?" "Yes please!" "Let's go get some udon then ^^" I said. We walked over to an udon stand the line was quite long but we had enough time to wait, 

"..Tanjiro...is that you?" A mysterious voice said. I turned around to look at who called my name and to my surprise it was..Nezuko. "..Nezuko..?" "Brother! I missed you!" She hugged me with such excitement, she probably missed me so much... "Why are you here?" "I..I'm here on a mission" "What mission?" "I'm a demon slayer.." "Is that so?" "Yea, by the way, who is this little girl?" "Oh her name's Emma." "..Mama..I'm scared...." "Mama?!" Nezuko yelled. "Yea ahaha.." 

I could tell she had so many questions about my life and how I was alive when I got taken away by Muzan. "How about we walk together? We can chat while we walk!" "Of Course!" We walked for quite a while stopping by stands and buying items.

"I should get going now! It was fun meeting you again Nezuko!" "Can..we keep in contact..?" "Of course Nezkuo! You are my little sister after all! Emma Let's get going." "Coming!" 

-Author's Note-

Sorry for not posting in a while! I might've got distracted, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter today!

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