A Happy Family

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Just to tell you beforehand there is going to be Bad Smut so read at your own will, but if you are

 one of those people you'll probably read it anyway right??? Anyway!! Enjoy!!! <3


-Muzan POV-

Aish I'm finally back "Honey!" No one responded, I wonder what's happening..I should go check. I see Tanjiro lying in bed I didn't notice that it was evening already, he usually sleeps early anyway so I shouldn't bother him. I give him a peck on the cheek and walk to the bathroom and get changed, walking out I see Emma at the door with her stuff animal.

 "Is there something wrong?" I said in a whisper "..Papa I'm scared..." "Of what pumpkin?" "I don't wanna sleep by myself.. I wanna sleep with you..." Tanjiro suddenly opened his arms leading Emma there, "You can sleep in my arms Emma" I was a bit jealous of my own child but I guess I can let it slide this time...

-Tanjiro POV-

"You can sleep in my arms, Emma." "But..won't that hurt your arms..?" "mm..then do you want to sleep in the middle? I'll snuggle with you ^^" "Really!!" She seemed so excited so my answer to that was "Of course!" 

I took a peek at Muzan's face and it wasn't too nice he looked jealous to me. Jealous of his own kid? He needs to be a bit more mature but I guess it won't be that bad to have him jealous. "Do you wanna sleep Behind me?

 I'll be in the middle.." "Yup" and with that, he teleported right behind. He gave me a peck on the neck, and started to suck it.."Not HERE!" I said in an angry whisper "Then where?" "Not today.." "...fine" "Just go to sleep." I can't believe he did that with Emma here! Someone needs to control this Demon..

-3rd POV-

The next morning everything was ok and swell, all the uppermoons went hunting except Daki she went shopping with Emma. Tanjiro did give Emma some cash to buy what she wants they probably won't be back home till 3:00 pm Daki is someone that just loves shopping.

 While Muzan was just laying his head on Tanjiro's shoulder sleepy. "Hey..I think we should do..it" Muzan opened his eyes and looked at Tanjiro, "You want to?" "I mean everyone is out except us two..so I think it'll be ok.." and with that..it began...

MATURE CONTENT (Watch at your own risk..my first time writing this so very cringe)

Muzan carried Tanjiro Bridal style to their room and began stripping Tanjiro's shirt, there were a lot of buttons and Muzan was super impatient, so if you can guess he tried to rip it but "No. This is the only pair I have >:(" "But.." He just looked at Tanjiro with puppy eyes and soon got the approval. He was leaving marks on Tanjiro's chest, shoulder, and neck.

Tanjiro was extremely sensitive so he couldn't help but moan at each mark his Lover left. Of course, Tanjiro's moans were music to his ears, they'd never done it before so it made sense but he didn't know Tanjiro could make such sweet noises. He began to take Tanjiro's pants off and put his legs on this shoulder, and yet again biting then sucking his thighs. 

Tanjiro at this point was a moaning mess and it was soon gonna begin. Muzan applied Lube to his Hole and used to fingers to enter it so he could make Tanjiro loose. "Ahhhn~" he could tell Tanjiro was moaning but it wasn't quite right so he searched for his Prostate and listened for a certain noise that Tanjiro would make. "AHH~.." Tanjiro himself couldn't believe he made that noise. "Found it..I'm gonna put it in now ok? Tell me if it hurts" "..ok" 

Muzan only put the tip in but could tell Tanjiro wasn't ok "Do you want me to keep going..? I don't want to hurt you.." "No! I'm fine, continue" Muzan pushed a bit more into Tanjiro, he looked at Tanjiro and he was biting his lip "Are you-" "I'm ok!" "Alright.." Muzan pushed a bit more and more slowly entering more and more. "I'm gonna move now ok?" "mhn.." Muzan started to move slowly and then started to pick up the paste "Ahhh~" He was wanting to hit his Prostate and he did "Ahhh~ Slower" 

He kissed Tanjiro on the lips and kept moving "I don't think I can control myself." He came and so did Tanjiro, Muzan exited from Tanjiro and layed down "Ride me." "..." Tanjiro got onto Muzan and slowly let his pp enter him "Ahhh~" Tanjiro swayed his hips moving back and forth riding Muzan, He leaned in to kiss Muzan and kept moving his hips. Muzan was pleasured seeing Tanjiro on top of him Moaning every second. 


After a few rounds, Tanjiro was fast asleep tired of doing it, while Muzan went to wash the sheets and he changed Tanjiro into one of his Hoodies. When he finished he changed and went to cuddle Tanjiro, after this Tanjiro is gonna be sore.

If Tanjiro doesn't notice Muzan with him in the morning cuddling him he'd get mad, plus he was his source of warmth too. They were each other warmth they couldn't live without each other it's cute. Everyone returned and Tanjiro was asleep while Muzan was up, and then everyone was soon asleep.

-Authors Note-

...I looked over the "Mature content" and it was just so..horrible it was way too cringy for my eyes ;-; god save me from my own writing. Anyway hope you enjoy your day!



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