The Ending <3

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-3rd POV-

"" Tanjiro asked but no one was in sight, it's been almost 3 months since Tanjiro was 'asleep'. He walked down the stairs where everyone was gathered up, they were all chatting and having fun except for Muzan. All he cared about was his lover and how much he missed him, he wanted to see that warm smile Tanjiro always gives.

 He was in his office sulking like usual until Douma grabbed him of course, Douma got hit for it all the uppermoons were trying to make them cheer up. Emma can get cheered up a bit easily but Muzan was a different story, they were pretty much two different types of people.

Tanjiro walked down the stairs and of course, everyone heard it and thought it was a threat so they were prepared to fight when Tanjiro finally showed himself they were all surprised not believing it was true. "Tanjiro..?" asked Daki "Yes..?" 

Tanjiro answered suddenly Emma ran up to him hugging him and crying at the same time. "Emma! Who made you cry!!" " did" "...?" The adorable sunshine was confused with that answer, "Did I do something wrong?" but all Tanjiro got as a response were tears.

 Muzan teleported to him and hugged him from behind burying his face in Tanjiro's shoulder "I missed you.." "I missed you too" Tanjiro gave a loving smile and patted Muzan on the head. After settling everyone down Emma and Muzan wouldn't let go of him, they were too worried he'd be gone again. "Can you two let go yet?" Tanjiro asked and of course, the response was still "No." Tanjiro sighed but was relieved.

For mostly the whole day neither one of the two would let go, Daki tried to carry Emma but instead got a mad tone from her. No one dared to move Muzan except Tanjiro but he still wouldn't let go. For the rest of the time, they were always supportive of each other and they all were happy. Though some conflicts happen from time to time they still remained a Happ Family altogether.

The End

-Author's Note-

I hope everyone enjoyed the fanfic! I know some of you are sad it came to an end but I might decide to make another one ^^. I'm happy everyone supported me on the way here and I'd like to give a special thanks to all of you for loving my fanfic. I'll be sure to come up with more ideas in the future. I'll announce the next fanfic when it comes but for now, I'll be just taking some breaks! (Even though I took a lot of breaks ahem) I love every single of you sunshines, thank you for your love and support, it means the whole world to me!



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