Chapter 1

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That day had been too eventful, seeing how everything had ended so suddenly and so soon. Aimee was dead, everyone else was safe. Now, they were free from the clutches of Alina draining them dry.

Mycroft stood in front of the creature before him that everyone knew to be Aella's sister. Her beauty was beyond anything anyone had ever seen. The scales that had once dressed her skin were peeling off of her body, leaving her to dry out into a human, her legs just starting to show. Elegant, soft hair draped over her back, stroking her cold skin delicately, not wanting to hurt her. At least, that is what it seemed.

Aella knew she had just lost her sister, and she had just killed her. So, she knew she needed to leave, she needed to let go of murdering her sister and go back to where she had to now live. As she exited the building, she dropped her rifle down on the ground, walking down the road for as far as she could go. Just ahead of her, she saw the sea, its delicate waves caressing the others, rolling so endlessly. It seemed peaceful, it seemed calm, it seem right. It seemed right for her to take her sister's place after taking her life, and go back to the only place she knew.

Back inside the building, Sherlock took the records that Alina had made of the sirens she had kept safe in these tanks, wondering what it was that she discovered. Many of the sirens did not talk, some even had their children in opposite tanks that they longed to be with. One of the main reasons they were not willing to talk was because of malnutrition after being starved till they were just flesh and bones.

"James Moriarty," Mycroft lulled, looking at James with different eyes. "I never believed Sherlock when he said you had a daughter. But, he never mentioned two daughters,"

"Aella is the only one," he snapped back, not wanting to know if his second daughter was dead on the floor, hating him.

Sherlock handed Mycroft the records, giving them a quick glance over. "Did she take your blood?"

"No, why would she have wanted it?"

"That was her plan," he gave the records to James, letting him take a brief glance over the paperwork. "It seems, she believed Aimee to be your daughter."

"Why would she believe that?" James was unusually perturbed by the facts presented before him.

"It seems Aella is a twin," Sherlock spoke from behind one of the glass cages for them. "I heard them talking, both I and John heard it. She was your daughter."

John went into the office to take a chair for Moriarty to sit on. After realising she had never had just one daughter, he had two who he never knew about.

"I can perform a DNA test with your blood and hers,"

"And what would that do," he rubbed his forehead and rolled his eyes. Everyone was stuck staring at him as he paced around the room.

From the back of the building, one of her men had entered, he seemed subdued and caught unaware by these things. He was not armed, he was not holding any form of weapon to attack, he was all alone.

"Moriarty, is that your name?"

Without thinking about it, James found his hands shaking. It shook because he was not able to understand everything, it shook for the loss of his daughter, it shook from knowing his daughter killed his other daughter. What was going on? That was all he was able to keep asking himself. No one knew the entire answers.

"You know who I am," James let his hand drift toward his gun, he missed not being able to touch it, to stroke it, to feel the silk elegance lift into his hands.

"She warned me about you, she told me too much,"

"What did she tell you?" James pulled out his gun against the man, moving toward him feeling the beautifully cold grip fit into his hand.

"She told me to tell you, she was your daughter, the girl in the tank. And now she is dead, she wanted to tell you that she had a lot of details on her kind, you deserve to know,"

"She never wanted me to know anything, you are lying to me,"

"No, no I am not lying to you," he pleaded, wanting Moriarty to believe him desperately.

"Yes, you are!" James pushed his head backwards with the tip of the gun, overwhelming the man immediately, causing him to fall to the ground. "And just for that, just for coming in here to try and mess with me, your life will now be pressured by the tip of this well-crafted piece of work."

"YOUR DAUGHTER!" he yelled, bellowing his voice so it rang around the area like a bullet ricocheting off off the walls. "YOUR DAUGHTER!"

"What about her?" Moriarty half commanded him, wanting him to start being quiet, and begin talking.

"She wanted you to see death, and she wanted to show you the meaning of death, Moriarty. She died hating you, loathing you, wanting to see you die,"

Inside, it hurt him to think that his daughter hated him. Yet, the full picture was never being clearly portrayed before him through the eyes of those that believe the tales of a dead man walking.

"These stories will come from somewhere, but they will only come from our voices," he gestured around the room with his gun, soon putting it on him. "But, not you."

The gun fired a bullet straight between his eyes, blood poured out of his forehead as his body slumped against the wall. By his side, James saw the peeping of documents coming out from the side that he was keeping away from everyone else. They were of a beige colour, filed in alphabetical order, complete with all the information needed.

"Those look like the documents we need," Sherlock held his hand out. "Let me take a look at them."

Moriarty looked up as he grabbed the documents, thinking about what he was going to do with them. In the end, Sherlock only needed to confirm what he already knew with her evidence.

Moran came out from hiding in the shadows, his arms folded, feeling slightly different. "I know she took a blood sample from Aella, she will have kept it in there if anything,"

Sherlock just acknowledged what he said, pretending as he had just heard what he had said correctly. One thing was missing, and that was Aella. John was just intrigued by the anatomy of the siren species. Wherever they originated from, they were beautiful in many ways. Their songs were similar to that of the cries of a dolphin, yet more complex. So human, so much like a fish that this bewildered them.

"I get this is a showstopper, but we really need to focus here," John spoke up in the middle of everyone as they poked and prodded the dead body of Aimee. "If this was a human, Sherlock, you would be the one inspecting the body and telling us what you think and impressing us with the fanatical skills you so love to show off with. But, what we are not considering is this is a crime scene that everyone is tampering with. There are people in here that have just lost family, a daughter, and a sister to both Aella and her little brother. So, whilst you have all been debating if this is Moriarty's daughter, you have not asked a simple question someone should have asked ages ago."

"What?" Sherlock seemed confused by John, sometimes he could not understand the ordinary.

"Your the great detective, figure it out for yourself, Sherlock."

Sherlock paced around, in and out of the tanks. One of the siren children placed her hand against the glass to touch Sherlock's hand. Her hair was dark, her eyes and features seemed so similar to Aella, which got him thinking steadily.

"Where is Aella?"

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