Chapter 23

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Moriarty stood in front of Aella, looking at her with a strange look. His eyes cast over her limping body, so weak and so frail. He left his eyes at her, not saying a single word. She held an object in her hand and a letter. She held it out to her dad to take it. Without saying anything to each other, he read the letter she gave to him and scanned its contents. 

To dad,

This has been a long journey that I have gone through over and over in my head. At the beginning of all of this, meeting you at your Poison Chambers wrecked me and made me. Seeing you on the television had never been enough for me to deal with. So, when I came for you in the Poison Chambers I knew not to expect too much of you. When I did come to meet you, when I came to realise, you did not know who I was until Moran asked my name. 

Aella Moriarty. I will always be your daughter, which is why I need to give something back to you. That will be a little later on. However, you should know what happened to me beforehand. When I finally found out about you, I got involved with Moran and your Poison Chambers. You had no clue, but he did. And, eventually, I fell in love with him. Since then, I have not stopped loving him even though he has fallen in love with Camilla. I hate it. 

After it, I stopped being the nice version of myself and changed back to my ruthless nature. It was all amplified by the Siren song and issues I put you through, so I made it a matter of time to let you know I never wanted things to be this way. James Moriarty, you are my powerful father who I will never forget. Just know that there are some things you should know about what I have done for you, for Moran, Sherlock, John, Camilla, Lucas, Mycroft. For all of you. 

1 - If you go back to the cave Camilla built you would find something for you: Moran, Camilla, Mycroft and Lucas restored to full health. 

2 - John  Watson is alive again, for Sherlock and you to keep living. 

3 - My kind will leave you in peace, you will have no trouble anymore. 

But, in order for you to have all of these things, there is something you need to do. I added a lyric to the final verse of the reverse song for you to be able to see what I was thinking. 

You stopped leaving me in silence you soon let me breathe,You took me home, you stopped the pain, you let me live my life again,I saw what you once were and your eyes fell on me,All the blame at once was stopped, no longer letting me rot away,Remorse was something I no longer let you feel, letting you in my life,A weak point left the room, you became stronger day by day,Greed to kill, greed to feel, to love once more,The puzzles we deemed ridiculous, we felt them in our soul,We got you the held you need, I let you feel at one,Cleaning up the blood, letting it soak into the cloth,The voice in your head was real this time, you were feeling love,Your guilt was gone, it was all of ours to share,Standing on the edge of the cliff, it was our place to feel our care,No longer did we need to hurt, feel the pain bore into our souls,Your heart was gold, and I loved you for everything you chose to do,Begging for forgiveness, letting you start over once more,Instead of jumping, we chose to fly, flying back to the way we used to,We ruled the world, our world of crime, feeding it till the day we died,The cruelty the misery was all a thing of the past,Your men were long gone in thinking what they did, their feelings were never made to last,We reaped the tears, and stitched you up so you stopped being in two,We cried and rocked ourselves to sleep on the evening of her death,Feeling the motion we had felt was never bound to leave,It was more than we could handle but we let ourselves be fed,We became one flesh and let it ride, feeling like we had died and gone to heaven,Our lives are forever intertwined as two happy people,

In order for me to make this happen for you, there was something for you to do,

Take this gun, point it at my head, you need to do the deed for me to become dead.  

James took the gun from out of her hand, saying nothing to her once again. He knew what he had to do, and he wasn't going to hesitate. The cold tip pressed against her skin, finding its way to make her pay. The gun fired, ringing in the air as she fell back to the ground, her blood spilt everywhere. 

"Goodbye, Aella Moriarty."

As he flipped the paper over, he saw some more writing, making his eyelids fill with water.


By the time you read this, you will have done the deed. Well done dad. I knew you could do it. I bet you did it without saying anything till after I was laying on the floor in a pool of my own blood. I would do the same thing. I love you, and please tell Moran I love him, and hurting him was the last thing on my mind.

Let your bullets fly, dad. Let them hit everyone else but me from now on. Spread your wings and fly. 

All my love - Aella x 

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