Chapter 15

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Mycroft had jumped, he jumped over the edge with nothing left for him to say. Jumping was his ecstasy in order to get rid of the feelings he was feeling. No one knew what it was, he was a closed book that no one was allowed to read, even Sherlock had removed all feeling from the idea of trying to understand his brother. Even if it meant him jumping over the edge of the ship. 

Emotional wrecks were sought after, and the storm was only getting worse. The weather was treacherous, the conditions worsening by the minute, no one was able to even consider a possibility of turning back. Going forward was the only option left for them. 

"What's happened?" Sherlock came out, his anger blazing.

It was a rare sight, seeing Sherlock so aggressive, the veins building out of the side of his face. He had not even chosen to put on the raincoat that he had left in the storage area they had been hiding in. Camilla came out after him, just trailing slightly as if she had decided to stay back.

"I believe I asked what happened?"

"Your brother just committed suicide," Moriarty was so casual about it, it was unfortunately normal to him. 

"What! Why? Where is he, Moriarty? I have no time for these ridiculous games," he refused to believe that this was the truth, this was far from being true. Was it? "Come on! Where is he? Answer me!" 

The wind battered, it howled against the beautiful skin on Sherlock's face, the iconic long coat blowing in the wind so magically, his hair was being pulled back, his eyes longing and torn away. So far removed.

"I saw him jump over the edge, he was singing the song, he couldn't help himself," Moran came up behind Moriarty, putting his hand on his shoulder. "I saw him, Sherlock. You can pretend it never happened, but it did, I saw him go over the edge myself."

"Isn't it such a shame Sherlock?" a woman voice cooed behind him, but it was not Camilla's, she was close to Moran, the ice winds not seeming to bother her very much. "Isn't it a shame he died for his child? You know it was never his, but he never had the chance to tell the real father it was his son. At least I brought him back to life, now. One life for another. One pays for another life."

"So, if I were to jump or die at some point in the sea, my life would exchange for John's?" Sherlock was unsteady, his voice shaky, trembling and so downtrodden. 

"True!" Aella came out from the side, the boy by her side, his eyes wide and terrified. "I wonder how his child will respond now knowing his father is dead. That is if he understands what death means."

Running into Sherlock's stomach, he clung for dear life, seeking refuge inside of his coat. The wind was still catching the edges of his coat, blowing it in the air. If anything, this child was the last he had of Mycroft. What would he do? He had no idea what he would do, except he help onto the child for dear life, clinging to him like super glue.

"Where is dad?" the small child asked. Camilla placed her hand around Sherlock, hoping to comfort him. Sherlock ignored her hand, knowing he needed to focus delicate words on this child, even if he was always so uptight and stern. 

"Dad has had to go, somewhere. He is out there, on the big blue sea, but he is okay. He wanted me to tell you he loved you so much. In fact, he left so you could come back to us. One day he will be back," brushing the kid's hair backwards, keeping him tightly in his arms, Sherlock led him toward the deck where the beds were so that he could be warm and dry off. 

"I'm not done with you all yet, Sherlock,"

"Well, I think you are," he directly burned lasers into her eyes, targeting her with all the ferocity he could muster. 

"No I'm far from being done," she lulled, hoping he would get the gist. "I mean it, Sherlock. I was going to prove to my dad I am just like him. So, you have to continue."

Sherlock looked toward Moriarty, hoping he would see what he was trying to tell him. Moran knew what he was saying, Moran understood. But, it all rested on the shoulders of the big boss who everyone listened to, including, Aella. 

"You have done enough, Aella, just stop,"

"Have you had enough?" she laughed, her sadistic nature showing through.

Moran stepped forward, coming in front of her, pulling his gun out in front of her head.

"We have had enough of you. We have had enough of your existence. We have had enough of you acting so ridiculously, so quit it now,"

"Will you not win?"

"Oh, we can win," he laughed, pulling the trigger slightly. "I will willingly but a bullet in your skull. Just to think, I used to love you, I used to feel something for you. But, I now only feel anger at how I felt, I feel remorse for letting you in. Did you ever tell Moriarty who ratted him out?"

"It was Alina, she ratted you out the old Constabulary," she mocked Moran, biting her lip, trying to be seductive. Not at all working. 

"I know you did that, Aella. Stop lying, it only suits me,"

"And your Devils Descendants,"

James knew about her and Aimee. But, her gaze was drifting elsewhere, drifting toward the small child in Sherlock's arms. 

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing. I'll see you when you get there," 

"You drove him crazy because he helped you. You drove him crazy with that song, there are only a certain amount of times someone can handle hearing that song, and you wrecked us by letting us hear it. Mycroft was so wrapped up with this kid that he was weak, you knew you could get rid of him, and pick him off,"

"I didn't intend for Mycroft to go first, and you know that. You know it was supposed to be you,"

She started walking away again, going to the edge of the boat. "His name is Lucas Moriarty. Whatever you have been told, ignore it," she turned to her father, who was still accepting he had three children. "You never knew about him, did you? Of course not, she never wanted you to know. But, he is your child. Mycroft and Sherlock knew from the very beginning after DNA tests, I performed them, and I was right in thinking he was yours. If you jump over the edge, dad, you will save two lives. You can bring Mycroft and John back. Do you want to be the hero? I will let you choose."

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