Chap Four | Tonight ✰

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N i a l l  |  Chap Four ✰ ✰ ✰

She must have thought that I forgot that today's our "monthsary". We met 10 years ago, last October 13, 2002, when she was 6 and I was 7. If you're wondering how we saved the date, she actually wrote it in her diary. Yes, a 6 year old was already writing a diary, and she kept it for so long. I could still remember how we both laughed so hard as I read the pages when we were 14, 8 years after.

She was also my first playmate when we moved to our new house, which was beside her house, which meant that we were neighbors. Our families went along well and as years go by, we treated each other like siblings. We always celebrate every 13th of the month by eating at Nandos or taking her out to the fair or anywhere in the parks. But for now, I don't think we could do that. I just got back from the bootcamp, happy and successful, and tonight, we'll be entering the official X-Factor stage making it harder to see her. Though I admit, the new place here is breathtaking, I would still choose a place where Anne is. And this time, since the distance is quite the villain, I'll do something different. We might not go to Nandos but I'm pretty sure she' ll love this one.

"Hey Liam." I called him, since we're the only one at the room.

"Yup mate?" he answered.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

I told Liam my surprise for Anne, and he miraculously agreed.

"Thanks Liam! I'll go tell the others once they're back!" I said happily.

"No problem mate, we're a family now." Liam said, making me feel happier than ever.

I decided to text Anne again.

"Anne? :)" 


"Watch me tonight okay? And vote of course. :D" 

"I told you I will Nialler. Dw x" 

"Yes, just making sure you'll watch ;)" 

"Pffffft! You don't have to! I'll watch you guys with or without your reminders. :P" 

"Hahaha okay. I got that :) Anneeeiyyyy..." 

"What? x" 

"I miss youuu :'( Wanna dine at Nandos with you again" 

"ROFL Nialler, we'll see each other soon ;) Just do your best there. :)" 

"I will. ;) The boys are back, text ya later Anne x" 

"Okay, tell them that I said HI!" 

"Sure x"

 I put my phone down and went to where the boys are settled.

"Hey guys! Listen up!" the boys turned their heads towards me.

"What's the fuss?" Zayn asked.

I started talking first, then Liam told them my brilliant plan, and they pretty much agreed. Yes. This is going to be perfect.


6 more hours till the night, I decided to take a nap. I closed my eyes, while putting on my earphones. I scanned my phone for songs, and I listened to Jon McLaughlin's "So Close" from Enchanted. This was Anne's favorite song. I've never sung this to her because I wanted to sing this in a more special way. 

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