Chap Five | About The Two Of Us ✰

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A n n e  |  Chap Five ✰ ✰ ✰

My day was stressing. After talking to Niall, and few more with the boys, I had to go to school. Physics is killing me and it's hard without Niall around the campus. A few of my friends were not there as well. I felt alone. And it's absolutely terrible.

At History, out teacher distributed the test papers of our last test. Ms. Palvin first gave me Niall's test paper because she knows that I am much capable of giving it to him and he miraculously got an A. I could still remember how hard this test was. I was sweating all over because I barely remembered anything. Niall, on the other hand, was the most serious student I've seen that time. He was always good at History and well, I suck.

Ms. Palvin walked around until she came up to me.

"Ms. Peterson, I was disappointed with your score. You better catch up, or else, I won't have any choice but to fail you." My heart beat was so fast and when I had the test paper, I got a D. Fudge you, Kelly Anne Peterson. This is so not me. What is happening around here? Why is bad luck around my side? I sighed.

Then I got late for Mathematics so I missed one period of examination. I just simply sat in the stairs, lips pouting, eyes almost tearing up. "Everything is so messed up today!" I shouted. Couldn't this day get any worse?

And then, we have P.E, our last class, and I magically tripped when we were running some tracks and I got this very big bruise in my right knee. It was embarrassing really. My classmates went aroud me and I couldn't even stand up. It bled so fast, so they have to take me to the clinic. It wasn't bad considering how clumsy I am and how minor this was compared to my past dreadful experiences, but that's how it goes. Better late than sorry, they said. And when the whole day ended, I walked home alone with no blond boy beside me, scolding me for being so clumsy during P.E.

While I was walking, alone, in the streets, I checked my phone, hoping for  a greeting from Niall since today is our friendship day and it doesn't even feel like it and I've been enduring this terrible sadness because I haven't felt Niall's presence  regarding today's event. It is awful.

"This is just too much!" I shouted to myself when I got into my room.

"I can't believe Niall forgot about this, this "special" day! I can't believe this! He didn't even greeted or reminded me! Or texted me! I've been waiting the whole day, and now the night's slowly fading and he's gonna be performing and there's no way he could still remember our special day. I miss him so much, and I expected a call or a simple greeting from him. I expected to feel better because he's gonna remember our day. Which actually did not came true. Everything is wrong! Niall forgot for the first time! And fudge, we were texting about random things and he never brought it up. Is this how fame changes people?

"I hate you Niall!" I screamed even louder while crumpling my phone. I almost cried but I prevented it. Why would I cry over a best friend who forgot about their day? He's not worth it. Well, I could always tell him or greet him first, but I'm not doing it since he always does the job to remember this day. Not mines, which meant I have to act calm and collected at the phone for him. Did he even noticed how I feel?

"He's terrible! I couldn't believe it!" I screamed again. Okay, this screaming is useless.

It's 8pm, and the X-Factor will be starting soon. So, I turned on my TV and luckily, the show has just started. Watching the whole crowd, my heart suddenly beats faster. Even though he's as terrible as a monster, I can't help but wonder how he's doing. I can feel his cold hands and unbearable fast breath right now. He must be really nervous about this.

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