Death Becomes...

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JD walked down the beach of California, in the same black trench coat, jeans and shirt. He was in Laguna. A quaint little town that seemed to be so full of color, and hope. He loathed it. He wanted nothing to do with it. He never struggled with his steps as he walked along the shore line. His boots  covered in sand and washed away by the water. He was in himself , waiting for his next target. The killer's eyes flashed around, blue and red lights raced on the streets and stopped at the beach. Officer's raced towards him guns drawn. JD looked at them dead eyed. He pulled a gun on them and turned it towards himself. The trigger was pulled. Darkness, but no pain.

JD woke up in a cold sweat. Something that normally didn't happen. He pinched the bridge of his nose and grimaced. He felt something that he thought was impossible. Guilt. It was a new feeling, and he despised it. The killer gritted his teeth and the thoughts from yesterday began to seep in. Yesterday, he killed the first first Heather. Two more to go. Veronica saw what he was actually like. She had to go. He rubbed his arm at the thought, he had grown to care for the girl. And that was the most terrifying thing in the world for him. He couldn't seem to wrap his head around the idea that he had mimicked that emotion so well it felt real. His eyes pulsated at the thought and he shut his eyes.

JD sat there on his bed for a couple of minutes. The pulsating soon died out, and he was able to open them. He stood up and stretched out. The killer stepped out of the bed then walked towards the door after grabbing a set of clothes for the day. He walked towards the bathroom in an almost relaxed state. He frowned to himself as he undressed and stepped into the bathroom. He had one Heather down. Now there were two left. Veronica he wasn't sure on what he would to do to her just yet. He washed his hair and thought about the brunette. 'Damn you woman,' he thought coldly, 'you'll never get out of my head Will you.' He smirked at the thought as he slowly developed his old persona again. He liked the thought and felt his own muscles relax and tense with each thought. His eyes darkened. He finished in the shower and dressed himself. His eyes scanned the bathroom. He listened to the footsteps around the house. His father was home. Quite possibly from another kill. He quickly dressed himself then headed out of the bathroom. His hair pressed against his head slowly drying as he grabbed a bag for school.

Bud Dean was on the phone in the kitchen. He could hear his son stalking around the house and a scowl formed on his lips. "Jason! Hurry up and get the hell out!" The older killer snarls. JD rolled his eyes and stalked out of the house without breakfast and the dark passenger inside not satisfied. He hated that feeling and the Dark Passenger hated him. He rode to school after dropping by and getting a slushie to drink on the way. He noticed everyone in the school looking lost. He then remembered his kill from last night. He smirked a bit and then quickly hid it as a teacher walked by. He stepped off the bike and made his way over to the entrance of the school. JD noticed a brunette and walked over to her. Veronica leaned against him on que and looked up. "They found the body," she whispered to him,"and now they're debating on what the school will do. JD. What if they catch on?" The killer looked down at her and his heart raced a little. He growled a bit at the feeling but it didn't stop. Veronica looked up at him pleadingly and then saw the other two Heathers. "I should go. I'll uh I'll see you after the funeral maybe?" She asked.

"Of course," he said and kissed her head as he did. She pulled away from him and walked over to the others. He watched her and then thought about the body. He had done everything right. And if he had the right idea. It meant the police ruled out the body as a suicide. He had no other DNA for Veronica or himself. He looked around and mimicked the pain the other students felt. He had to blend in and it would look odd for someone to not feel any pain of losing a classmate. On the inside, he was happy that he had part of his job done. He looked around and watched as Kurt and Ram watched him. They were next. They were onto him. The only way to get rid of that is to get rid of them and then there was Veronica. He growled a bit. There was a mess and he had to fix it all by himself. He should have never gotten Veronica in on this. He should've worked alone like he always did.
       The school didn't close down. They only allowed the students one hour. It wasn't fair. That much he knew. He didn't seem to care though. Veronica was with the other two Heathers. JD was out in the student parking lot. His eyes scanned the environment around him. He was alone for the time being. The killer lit a cigarette and thought about his next move. He exhaled the smoke and his dream from the night before haunted his thoughts. 'I royally screwed up there,' he thought to himself. Before long, he noticed students exiting the school. He had ditched the rest of his classes. He never thought twice on that. He threw the cigarette to the ground then stomped on it. He noticed a familiar blue walking towards his way and he smiled a bit. Veronica was the type of girl who seemed to melt the ice JD had on his heart. She looked so innocent to him. JD sat on his bike and leaned forward a bit as he watched Veronica grow near.
     JD smiled a little once she was close to his bike.
                   "Hey Veronica," he hummed and glanced upwards at her. He noticed tear stains on her cheeks. She had been crying. JD immediately got off the bike and wrapped his arms around her. This was unusual for him. Normally, he wouldn't have cared. He ran his fingers through her hair to try and comfort her. Veronica broke down in his arms, her body shook with pain and loss as she held onto the killer.
                    "Everything's okay," he murmured, "Everything will be fine. No one will come after you. No one will blame you." He laid his head on her shoulder as he brought her in closer. He meant those words for her. He would do everything in his power to keep her from his danger. Veronica slowed down in her sobs and JD slowly pulled away from her. He wiped her tears away gently then kissed her forehead.
     He decided to take Veronica home so she could get ready for the funeral. It was a quick set up. It was almost scary at how fast it happened. It was as if this small hick town had a death problem. Sure people died everyday, but death becomes meaningless if it happened so often. He never thought about that with his victims. He never truly cared. He soon reached Veronica's home and glanced over at her.
                      "Did you want me to wait out here for you? Or did you want me to leave and come back?" JD asked softly.
                           "Y-you can stay if you want. I-I don't think I should be a-alone right now," Veronica whispered.
         Death becomes fear. Death becomes JD's judge. JD frowned a little at the thought. He was pulled out of his thoughts and nodded to Veronica who headed inside. "I'll keep you safe Veronica," he mumbled to the wind,"Death won't lay a hand on you. Not while I'm around. Our Love is God."

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