Red's the Color of Blood

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     JD stayed with Veronica. He was in a different room as his own plans seemed to saturate his brain. The idea of Death, Murder and Power always had a hold on him. Ever since his mother died. She never once interrupted his thoughts like Veronica could. He felt abandoned by his own mother. How does one move on from that? JD held his head in his hands then let out a low and dark growl from his throat. He heard movement from behind him and he turned around seeing the girl in blue staring up at him worriedly. JD lowered his hands and held both her hands in his. He kissed the backs of both of them.
"Are you okay?" She asked and watched as he kissed her hands.
"I was lost in thought," JD said, "Are you. Are you ready to go?"
The prep nodded and let go of one of his hands then looked towards the door. JD held her hand and then opened the door for her. They walked out the door.

"We gather here today at the loss of Heather Chandler! Her note has cut us all in deep shame and regret! Why didn't we pay more attention to this young lady in red!" The pastor mourned.
JD watched. Death is apparently theatric in this hick town. JD hadn't seen anything like that since his murders in New Orleans. That was fun to watch. The way they paraded around the cemeteries and then left in celebration. This man seemed to make a mockery of it. He despised all of it. JD looked over at Veronica who seemed to look sick in general. JD reached out to her. She took his hand and held it tightly in her own. He wondered what went through her head. She looked at him and what surprised him was that she had the same look he did a few seconds ago. Disgust. Annoyance. And a little anger? JD leaned down and kissed her head mimicking the idea of comforting her. He couldn't allow others to see the emotions she wore. They would catch onto them faster. Was it selfish to think about? Yeah. Yeah it was. But he had to protect his own hide. JD kissed her head again then looked forward. She seemed to have gotten the idea and hid her face in his shoulder. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her. The two pulled off the act well together.
The pastor continued to monologue his absurdities and grievances. People walked up to the open casket of Heather Chandler and said their goodbyes. Veronica went up after awhile to say her goodbyes. JD noticed something that before Veronica went up. Heather Duke looked smug as she said her prayers. It was there that JD knew who his next victim would be. She couldn't have power. He wouldn't allow it. She'll die because he said that she must. His eyes flickered over to Veronica and noticed guilt written on her face. JD's face softened. She reminded him so much of Faith that it scared him to get closer to her. He bowed his head to try and escape the thoughts. He couldn't escape them. He felt a head pressed against his shoulder and he looked up seeing Veronica back from the alter.

                "Did you see her?" She asked softly, "she's going to take over at some point. I can feel it."
     So Veronica noticed it too. JD gave the brunette a slight nod. He noticed. JD wanted Duke gone. His mind went back to Veronica. He looked at her and frowned worriedly. Veronica sat closer to him and placed herself in his arms. JD tilted his head curiously at the action but didn't question it. He leaned down and kissed her head. He figured they were still performing an act. He never assumed any different. That was it after all. This whole thing was a ruse to keep his murderous lifestyle in perfect balance. He looked at her and felt her shiver under his arms. JD relaxed his grip on her and kept  her close. The funeral continued to drag on. JD had tuned out all of it. He was focused on playing the good boyfriend. The comforter. Once it was over, Veronica pulled away from him then kissed his cheek.

                "I should go check on Heather and Heather. I hope they're okay," Veronica said,"At least. I hope McNamara is okay. She's the only one who was genuinely nice to me most of the time."

"Of course," the killer said. There was a purr in his tone. His new personality around her. His act. His slipping, chipping mask of sanity. One murder in this hick town felt absolutely amazing. He wanted another one. Or maybe he just wanted chaos in general.
Veronica had stood up and smiled at him as the congregation dispersed. JD smiled back at her as he stood up himself. He walked her out the door. JD kissed her softly before turning towards his bike.
"Do you want me to come by later?" JD asked looking at his girlfriend with a loving gaze. One reserved for her and her alone.
"Okay," Veronica nodded,"that should be fine. Later tonight okay?"
The killer gave her a nod and proceeded towards the bike. He figured he could use sometime to himself. He sat on the motorcycle and rode off. He slowed a bit seeing the two jocks harassing a nerd. His eyes narrowed a bit in anger. He could feel Kurt's eyes on him and knew the quarterback was watching him to. They're next. I'm not sure how yet, but I know they're my next target, the killer thought. He sped off the church grounds towards his house. It was more of base of sorts. He lived there but he could never call it home.

Once home from the funeral, JD was spotted by his father who was standing on the porch. He walked over and JD tensed up.
"I need more materials for the company. You need to use the Nevada ID for this one. Your Ohio one hasn't come in yet. And after that, there is a business partner I want you to get rid of. Can you do that for me?" Bud orders.
"Yes. Sir." Was JD's only response. He wasn't even looking Bud in the eye. He couldn't. It didn't feel safe to do so. Which is ironic, JD was the most dangerous teenager in Sherwood, Ohio and the only man who could scare him off was his father. He despised the man and Bud knew it. His father reveled in the pain and torture that he caused in his son. JD stayed silent as he stalked into the house to get his wallet.
Red is the color of blood, red is the color of rage. Red is all JD could ever see. He wanted to see blue. Blue was the color of calm. Blue is the color of her. It's her color. Blue is the color of his love for her. JD got on the bike and drove off.

"Please! Let me go! Let me go! I'll pay you! Anything you want! I'll do anything you want!" JD's latest victim screamed. The business man his father wanted JD to get rid of.

The killer stayed silent. He glared down at his victim. A smirk placed delicately on his lips. The smell of chlorine hit his nose. A small portion was placed in a mislabeled sixteen ounce lemon lime Gatorade bottle. His latest weapon. He liked the idea of Big Blue, and decided to try other burning chemicals. The killer grabbed a needle and plunged it into the lid. The victim screamed. JD smacked him across the jaw. He heard a satisfying crack and grinned in the process.

"This will all be over soon," JD assured,"I promise you."

The killer wore his gloves and had already made a note for the businessman. His eyes became lifeless as he plunged the needle into the man's right arm. He grabbed his left hand and wrapped it around the needle causing his victim's demise as the victim's thumb pressed down on the plunger sending the searing burning liquid into his blood stream. JD smirked. The perfect suicide.

"Tell Heather I send my regards," JD said as his victim slowly died.
JD cleaned up the area and made sure nothing of him was to be found. He left the bottle making sure it was on the left side to the victim with the note as well. He then disappeared into the night without a word and without guilt. He felt like his old self again. He was his old self.

Red is the color of blood, Blue is the color of love, Black is the color of sin. His sin. He reveled with that thought as he went to the Seven Eleven near his home. He just didn't expect to see a girl in blue crying on the curb. Someone hurt HIS Veronica. Red is the color of rage.

Authors Note:

Word count: 1516, writer's block is real guys. And it's not fun! But the good news is, I have ideas now! I know what I want to do with this! Yes there will be more murders than in the movie. Like I said this will go off script sometimes. I love you all and I hope you'll forgive me for taking forever. I did leave the fandom for awhile but now I'm back!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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