And Murders can look like Suicides Pt2

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     JD arrived in front of Veronica's home. He looked up and noticed a light was on in the house. It was on the second floor. He assumed it was her room. He could assume wrong but he'd have a reason for it later. There was a ladder by her bedroom window and he smirked thinking about all the times she had snuck out of the house or snuck in after coming home late. This could be a dangerous thing. A very dangerous thing.
     The killer made his way to the ladder and steadily climbed up to her bedroom window. Of course it looked bad from anyone's perspective. Even Veronica's. He thought it would be funny but he knew otherwise. He noticed a journal flying towards his head. He ducked out of the way and spotted a startled Veronica.
"Dreadful etiquette I apologise," the killer said. He gave her a mischievous glance as he stayed on the other side of the window.
"That's okay," the brunette gave him a breathless whisper. She slowly stood up and walked over to him,"how much of what I said out loud did you here?"
"Nothing to important. I saw a croquet set up in the back. You up for a match?" JD tilted his head and gave her a slight smirk.
It was the brunette's turn to look as if she had already won.
"You sir. Are on," she said,"I'll be there in a minute."
The killer nodded and quickly headed down the ladder. This is what his plan was. He was going to end her then and there and she would be none the wiser. He picked up the crochet mallet and looked at it carefully. If he hit her in the right spot, there would be minimal blood damage. He figured that's what would happen. He just needed to make it look like a suicide. JD waited for a few minutes then noticed that she was heading out her back door. The goofy "Haha I already won!" smile was ironed across her face. He was starting to like that smile. Not that he would show it. Much less give her the benefit that it made him want to smile. The killer shook his head and handed her the blue mallet while he took on the black one.
"We can make it interesting," she said with a smirk,"if you're up for it that is."
                   "And how are you willing to make this interesting?" He asks with a small smirk of his own. His eyes darted to the mallet then back to her eyes. He thought about a quick mallet to the head would be quick and efficient but, she took his hand and led him to the field. She smiled warmly at him and bit her lip.

   An hour and a half later, he was naked and covered by his trench coat holding Veronica, who was also naked. She was warm. And she was still alive. It was in that moment, the killer decided that she would stay alive. He just needed to keep his killer tendencies to himself. She laid her head on his chest and took a breath of the cool fall air. JD looked down at her with a brow raised. She spoke about how she started and what her parents wanted her do. He probably would've done the same. 'She dumbed herself down to lip gloss and beer kegs. She's so much better than she leads on but yet she chose to be in the Heather's group. They're my real problem. She's miserable,' he thought.
         "Heather Chandler is one bitch who deserves to die," he said out loud. She looked up at him and tilted her head.
           "No. But I'd love to see her puke her brains out tomorrow morning," she said with a cat like grin.
      The killer laughed softly and grinned himself. He leaned down and kissed her head. She nuzzled into him.
            "I'll come with," he hums,"I want to see where it goes."
      She nodded and smiled happily blissfully unaware of Jason's true intentions. JD grinned and watched her fall asleep. Veronica held onto him and laid her head on his chest. JD laid his head on hers. He rubbed her shoulder gently as she relaxed beside him. He paused and looked up towards the sky deep in his own thoughts. He had to keep the ruse up. He couldn't falter in his plan. His plan. Not his fathers. JD looked at the small brunette in his arms and sighed softly. He closed his eyes and the image of his mother came back to haunt him. He tensed and curled away from Veronica as smoke filled his lungs and the heat played at his chest threatening to burn him away from the inside. The killer shot up and held himself as he looked around his environment. He looked down at the sleeping girl and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder before going back into a nightmare less sleep.

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