Suicides can look like Murders...PT 1

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       JD came across her name in the phone book. His eyes stared at her last name. There weren't a lot of Sawyers in the neighborhood. So through a simple process of elimination should do it. He would look like a major stalker but it didn't matter to him. He just wanted to see her again. The young killer ran his fingers through his hair and frowned to himself. He knew she was at some party. Remington he thought she said. He nodded to himself before heading out.
       As he opened the door, Bud was down the hall glaring at him coldly. JD avoided eye contact with him. One more year and he'd be an adult. One more year and he could run off for good. JD pushed past his unforgiving father and headed out the door. 'I'm coming for you Veronica,' he thought as he jumped on his bike. Just the thought of seeing her again made his mind numb and buzz. He shook off the feeling as he remembered one of his first kills. It was a young woman he had grown close to. Her name was Faith. He had hit it off with her as he did with Veronica.

                     "Hey there handsome," she said and smiled at him.
     JD looked up from his lunch tray in a slight confusion. There stood in front of him a dark haired girl. Brown eyes met his green ones and a slight smirk formed on her perfectly plump lips. She had olive colored skin and had a slight scar on her upper lip. JD eyed her curiously and titled his head.
                       "Greetings and Salutations," JD responded to the girl.
                        "I'm Faith Anderson," she said with a soft smile.
                         "Jason Dean," he said as she held her hand out towards him. He took it and gave it a gentle shake.
She gave him a loving smile. She was sweet and innocent. He would give her that. He figured he could be happy with her. She was a warm soft and forgiving light to his dark demeanor. Light never lasted with him for long. She would probably be dead within the next day or so if he was lucky. Because if he didn't kill her, Bud would.
Two nights had past and JD was going on strong with Faith. They had one large thing in common. Their mothers had both killed themselves.
"I was devastated after a few days but my mother in her note said to always have hope and faith. She called herself weak but she called me strong. So. I'm going to be strong for her," Faith said with a soft smile.
The killer nodded. The last time he saw her, his mother was waving at him through a window in Texas. Two minutes before his father blew up the joint. He didn't respond to what she had said but rather gave her a sort of encouraging smile. 'Well now I feel stupid,' he thought. Faith grabbed his hand and smiled warmly. Her soft warm palm against his calloused cold sweat covered one felt strangely calming. It was as if he wanted to be there for her. She saw him as an equal but he knew that in due time, it wouldn't be that way. She would be dead. At some point. JD looked at their hands then looked down at the road with a soft smile on his lips.
"I'm glad you think like that Faith. Not everyone does. I don't. I can't," JD said a frown formed on his lips.
"Not with that attitude mister," she laughed softly. Blissful of all ignorance she had of his dark corrupted nature.
"I should probably walk you home. It's not safe out on a night like this," JD said,"psychopaths could be anywhere around here."
"You mean like the one next to me?" She laughed and teased him a little bit,"I'm safe if I have you Jason. I'm serious. Cross my heart and hope to die."
      JD smiled softly and hugged her close. She had felt safe with him. If he was being honest with himself and for the first time he was. He felt safe with her. He felt as if this good moment would last forever. He even had hope that it would. Faith looked up at him with a soft small smile. She leaned up and kissed his cheek lovingly. He smiled back at her as he continued to hold her in his arms.
      Five weeks later, JD was preparing to move again with his father. He had one week left of his dream relationship. He had realized he had never told Faith how much he had loved her within these few weeks of true bliss. The killer had made his way towards the school when he noticed something didn't feel right. He could feel that Faith wasn't at the school. 'She must've felt sick,' he thought. His eyes wandered around as he looked at grief stricken faces. 'Maybe some celebrity died?' He thought as a little bit of his hope died. JD walked up to a teacher and asked the dangerous question.
                        "What happened?" JD asked his brows furrowed.

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