Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

It's night in Fukuoka. Y/N's walking along the street to buy groceries. She's holding bags of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and everything. For one week stock. All of this because she slowly has gained her appetite back. "Then, why should I buy now?" She looks at the list she's holding in her hand. "I guess I've bought all of them." The night view of Fukuoka is amazing as always. There are a lot here. Y/N looks up. She needs to cross the road in order to get in her car. She stands next to the pole, waiting for the red colour to appear on the traffic light. As soon as it hits red, Y/N walks across the road while glancing to her left and to her right.

In a sudden, a fast paced car runs in her direction. Her eyes widening. It's so fast that she can't react. Panic engulfs her. Nothing she can do. Just crash, and she dies. A strong grip hugs her, throwing her to the left with a loud slam. "Argh!" She yelps in pain. The fall is hard, if the person didn't hug her, she would've been injured. "H-Hirota?!" The male hisses in pain. Y/N notices a dark red smear on his sleeve. "Oh, god! You're bleeding!" Y/N sees his sleeve torn off, due to how hard the road scratched him. Y/N uses her red scarf to wrap his arm. Thank god she isn't wearing her mom's scarf, or else she can't stop the bleeding.

"Let's go to the hospital."

The nurse carefully treats Hirota's arm with bandages around it. "What happened?" Y/N bites her tongue in nervousness. "I-It was an accident. He saved me from a car. A car that was about to hit me." The doctor nods. "Nothing's serious. Just don't use this injured arm to do heavy activities." Hirota nods. Y/N pays for his treatment before they both walk out of the building. "I'm so sorry for that. If it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't have wounded—"

"It wasn't your fault, Y/N- san. It was the car." The car. For Y/N, that car was suspicious. It brings her back to the memories of Koharu. How the truck hit her. With a fast pace too. As if— As if the car was really targeting her. "Y/N- san?" Reality hits her as she blinks rapidly. "Oh— Oh, sorry. I was just— thinking about some things." She gives a tap on his shoulder. "Are you okay? I don't think you should work tomorrow. Get a MC." The male shakes his head in denial, "No it's okay. I don't need that. I can still use another arm." Y/N gives him a box of strawberry milk. "I only have this. As an apology. Thank you for helping me. See you tomorrow." She smiles, before getting into her car. Hirota is still standing there, holding the milk with his right hand. He smiles.

"What?" Sekiya raises her voice, with her teeth gritting. "We tried to hit her but a male pushed her away." She slams her fist on the table. "Fuck! Why are you guys so useless? Even an easy task like that you failed to do?! You challenge me to deduct your payment?" The male chuckles. "You can do that, princess. Deduct our payment. But remember, all of your information, gathering in our hands. We can leak it anytime to anyone."

That makes Sekiya laugh. "You do that. You know I don't decide to make my hand dirty with blood. I can kill anyone I can within a glance." Oh my. How arrogant does she sound? "Then why didn't you kill L/N Y/N by yourself?" Sekiya laughs again as she crosses her thighs. "You think I'm that dumb? I kill people whom I despise. But not directly. I'll use other people. To keep my hands clean." Like the true villain. "Whatever you say, princess. What's the next plan?" Sekiya plays with the sharp knife she's holding. "Let's meet, shall we? So we can discuss further."

Y/N walks towards the room, with Rindou and Ran inside. "Ah, sorry for the interruption." She's about to get out of the ward before Rindou calls for her, "Y/N." She turns around, watching both of the males are looking at her. "Brother, if you don't mind—?" Ran nods. He understands his siblings so well. "I'm waiting outside." Ran walks past Y/N, leaving them alone. "So you've been discharged." He nods, zipping the bag. "And you're going back to Tokyo." Done packing, he leans against the bed. "Why? Want to come along with me?"

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