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———— TAP

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———— TAP. TAP. TAP

the sound of a pen hitting a notebook filled the classroom. it was annoying. oh so very annoying. but, [y/n] couldn't stop herself from tapping the pen against the notebook. her head leaned against her arm as she stared at the writing, not even sure if it made any sense. it was frustrating.

"oh, for the love of christ, can you please stop tapping your goddamn pen?" nobara finally exclaimed, itadori letting out the breath he was holding.

"oh good, i thought i was going to have to say something," he muttered. [y/n] slammed her head against the desk and groaned.

"sorry guys, i just have absolutely no idea what i'm doing and it's driving me crazy," she sighed, her voice muffled slightly.

"why are you acting like we told you to map out world peace or some shit? it's just megumi's birthday party," nobara snorted.

"yeah, exactly. what the fuck am i supposed to do? he doesn't like anything," [y/n] exasperated.

"well, we drew sticks to see who would be in charge of what, and you were in charge of the party, so figure it out! i'm sure he'll like anything you do," itadori tried to cheer her up.

"that's the thing. i really could just do whatever i want and he'll be like "oh, this is cool", but he won't truly like it. i want him to have at least one birthday where he doesn't feel like he has to smile for our sake. and, it's his eighteenth! it needs to be something memorable," [y/n] pouted.

"this is why we purposely make sure you draw the long stick," nobara muttered, on hold with a baker for a cake.


"nothing! we can always just have something simple again. not like he'd care. simple party with a fancy cake."

"but i kind of want to do something fun," itadori frowned, making a list of party supplies. kind of hard to do with no theme or concept for a party.

"okay. i'm going to throw out some suggestions and you guys say yes or no. ready?"

"ready," the two replied.



"ice skating?"


"game night."


"costume party?"








"you're both fucking awful, i hope you know this. god, why am i even bothering? i probably won't even be here for the party anyways," [y/n] grumbled.

"are you sure we can't change your mind about going home?" itadori asked. [y/n] sighed, rubbing her temples.

"i haven't been back in so long. i think i need to just suck it up and face everyone."

"if you come back here as the new clan leader, i'm going to kill you," nobara threatened. the sound of footsteps echoed in their ears as the door suddenly opened, a bored-looking megumi standing there staring at his phone.

"have you guys seen [y/n]? gojo and i have been texting her and trying to call her but she isn't answering-" he started, cutting himself off when he finally looked up from his phone to see her sitting there. "oh, there you are. what're you guys even doing in here?"

"nothing!" the three quickly replied, [y/n] shoving the notebook at itadori before getting up and walking over to megumi, blocking his view of nobara's very elaborate sketch of the cake she was going to get. "you need something?" she asked.

"yeah, we've got a mission," megumi said, trying to look around her but she quickly grabbed his arms and spun him around, pushing him out the door.

"can't keep gojo waiting! okay, bye guys! i'll see you later!"

"have fun!" nobara called out.

"don't die!" itadori added. they both looked at each other.

"not good," they groaned.


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