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———— "YOU CRYIN'?"

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———— "YOU CRYIN'?"

"shut the hell up," [y/n] flipped him off.

"i'll be over here if you need me," megumi snickered, summoning his demon dog and getting to work.

[y/n] rolled her eyes and took a breath, sparks of electricity forming as she glanced around, looking for something she could use as a staff. she found a steel pipe and ran over to it, grabbing it before the curse could get a hit in. she picked herself back up, the electricity engulfing the steel pipe as she began fighting the curses. with the way the deadly sins worked, they somewhat complement each other. therefore, if they're all together and able to use the other to fight, megumi and [y/n] wouldn't stand a chance. however, it seemed the ones that she was supposed to be taking care of weren't that interested in fighting her. they just stood there.

"you're quite the smart one, aren't you?" the curse of lust asked.

"oh great, so you talk too," [y/n] groaned.

"we all talk, darling. but you seem to enjoy conversation more than your companion over there," envy snarled.

"seems like he's more than a companion. i'm sensing something inside of you. you're quite fond of the boy," lust smirked, and [y/n]'s grip on the pipe tightened. "i figured as much. i don't blame you. he's quite attractive."

"look at the way she tensed. she'll never admit her emotions," pride laughed.

"damn, why'd i get the annoying ones?" [y/n] huffed, seeing megumi was having a grand time fighting sloth, greed, wrath, and gluttony.

"i'd say you're the annoying one, my dear. don't you ever think about him? even just a little?" lust questioned.

"i sense some animosity. i think she's jealous of him. jealous that he's better than her," envy grinned. the three curses slowly started to surround her, and she knew this was life or death.

part of her wanted to call for megumi to help, but these curses were trying to tear her down from the inside by nitpicking parts of her. "you don't get to stand there and pretend you know me."

"we don't have to pretend. we can sense it," pride tilted his head slightly, "and we knew of the two of you, you would be the easiest to break."

"you're wrong-"

"[y/n] [l/n] of the [l/n] clan. born on a leap year, february 29th. a pisces. you are the eldest daughter of [f/n] and [m/n] [l/n]. your oldest brother died exorcising a special grade curse. your second oldest brother committed suicide after failing to succeed as the clan head," pride began telling her tale.

"stop it," she lowly hissed.

"your younger siblings are two sets of twins; three boys and one girl. your sister goes to an all-girls school. your three youngest brothers play soccer."

"what are you doing?" [y/n] demanded.

"just trying to see if we've checked all the boxes," lust sing-songed, a smirk growing at the girl's agitation.

"your parents called you home after three years of studying at tokyo jujutsu high. they want to celebrate your eighteenth birthday with you. your siblings miss you. the clan is awaiting the return of their "princess"."

[y/n] cringed, glancing over towards megumi to see he was still working on finishing off the curses. it was clear that they were the sole fighters; she was going to have to deal with pride, lust, and envy through different means. they began inching closer to her, and she let out a breath, knowing this was probably a bad idea. but, she really had no choice. this wasn't something she wanted everyone to be a part of. right now, this was between her and the three curses surrounding her.

she dropped the pipe and her arms shot out on either side, quickly raising up to the sky as she put them together, her hands forming the vaguely familiar symbol. megumi saw this out of the corner of his eye and turned his head, eyes widening. "shit, [y/n]. don't do it!"

"domain expansion: fallen olympus."

lightning struck in a circle around [y/n] and the three curses, entrapping them within her domain. it became dark, fog appeared as the lightning continued to strike, providing bits of light here and there. she raised her eyes to the curses watching her, a wicked grin on her face. "you're going to regret messing with me."

pride attacked first, going straight for her head. she dodged, managing to land a flying kick to his body and sent him off to the side. envy came running at her and she summoned a lightning bolt, throwing it with precise aim and watched as it went through envy's body. she threw another one and sent a lightning strike down at the same time, and, once both hit envy, the curse was exorcised.

"one down, two to go."

lust was watching very intently as [y/n] fought her siblings. sure, losing envy was a bit of a bummer, but she was more focused on the girl's emotions. specifically, about the boy outside this barrier.

pride ran towards her once more, a much more vengeful look in his eye as he jumped up, ready to strike her down. [y/n] grabbed the pipe, lightning engulfing it once more as she swung it at his side, hearing an audible crack. another two lightning bolts appeared in her hands as she stabbed both of them through pride's chest, a hollow look in her eyes as she practically electrocuted him to death. she watched as he disappeared and turned to face lust, whose amused expression pissed her the fuck off.

"and then there were two," lust laughed. "you won't want to kill me just yet, darling. i think i've figured you out."

"there was nothing to figure out in the first place. i'm content with who i am, and some curse isn't going to make me doubt myself."

"pride was right; you really will never admit your emotions. listen well, pet," lust spat, licking her teeth, "the reason you decided to entrap us in this little domain is because you feared the boy would find out the truth. and, what might that truth be? that you're irrevocably in love with the thought of him. not with him, no. why, you're so twisted in that little mind of yours, aren't you?

in love with the boy and his newfound best friend. in love with your teacher. in love with the businessman. hell, even in love with the king of curses himself. disgustingly in love with the thought of having everyone, and yet, truly wanting no one. you'll never tell yourself that, though. you just keep pretending everything is alright.

this is why you are leaving for home. you're running away in hopes that when you return, your mind and heart will have cleared itself of this mess you've made inside. well, i have news for you, my love: it will never. go. away."

bouts of lightning came down on lust, aggressively striking her over and over again, [y/n] standing across from her, eyes red and face covered in sweat. over and over again, she struck lightning upon the curse, and, finally, it was over. she had defeated the demons that had temporarily clouded her mind.

her domain had disappeared, and in her hazy vision, she saw megumi had also finished defeating the curses he was dealing with. she was about to say something, but the overstimulation had completely exhausted her.

the last thing she saw and heard was megumi screaming her name and blood on her hands.


just imagine the curses as the homunculi from fmab
also got the curse technique from amino and reddit and fixed it up a little so thanks internet

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