↳˗ˏˋ satoru gojo ˊˎ˗↴

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her thoughts ran rampant as she made her way back to the school. there was so much riding on this moment; it needed to be perfect.

every step felt heavier as she got closer, the overbearing weight in her chest made it damn near impossible to keep going. but, she knew she needed to do this.

it was time.

he was unpredictable. everything about him screamed red flag, screamed run away. from an outsiders point of view, he was unredeemable. every single thing about him was bad, inside and out. a mistake.

she didn't care.

there was probably no changing him, and she didn't intend to do so. every single thing this man had ever done was what led her to this moment. the private moments, the words he said, the affirmations he gave; those were what made her fall in love with him.

he was unapologetically himself around her. there was always a façade with everyone else. the arrogant playboy. but, it wasn't who he really was. for so long, he played a role because it was all he knew. he didn't dare stray off the chosen path for him because it worked. however, he wasn't happy. he wanted so much out of life and love, but no one saw past his demeanor and looks. he wanted more.

she gave him that.

despite the constant teasing, he truly cared for the girl. she didn't play up to his senses; she always was honest with him. she was unapologetically herself and he loved that. he loved every single insult, threat, curse, whatever she threw at him. he felt real again, thanks to her.

she had a few ideas as to where he would be. she managed to narrow it down to one and made her way there, shivers running through her body as she inched closer to her final destination. when she made it to the top, she stood stiffly. he wasn't there, but he would be soon.

"can't hide forever, gojo," she called out, the obvious shake in her voice disgusting her.

being weak was gross.

the sound of shoes hitting the ground came from behind her and she turned around, seeing him standing there. his hands were in his pockets, that same stupid grin on his face that he always wore.

it was infuriatingly attractive.

"you should know better than to sneak up on me," she said.

"you should know better than to be up here. you're banned from high places, remember?" he pointed out, causing her to roll her eyes.

"you try to jump one time and suddenly you can't be trusted fifty feet off the ground," she shook her head.

"why'd you come here, [y/n]?" he asked.

she gently rocked back and forth on her feet, glancing around at everything to avoid looking him in the eye. "haven't been up here since that day. guess i wanted to take a look," she muttered.

he appeared before her in a flash, mere inches from her face as he leaned down a bit to look at her. he studied her eyes, which were widened by his sudden appearance. he watched as they dilated, a soft laugh escaping his lips. "i see you've come to tell me something."

"oh, fuck off," she groaned, raising a hand to push him away. he quickly grabbed her wrist, brow raised when her head whipped to look at his hand. "don't make me say it," she whispered, hand falling limp in his grasp.

"oh, i think i would love to hear you say it," he teased, moving his hand to hold hers, their fingers interlaced as he pulled her closer. "eight little letters, darling. i know you're more than capable," he leaned down and whispered into her ear.

she felt her heart stop for a moment, that twisting feeling in her stomach returned once more. that same one she felt when she had realized it for the first time.

"i love you. i won't say it again," she moved her head to look at him. she watched as he moved his blindfold, his sparkling eyes meeting hers. he brought his hand up to her face, gently stroking her cheek as he really looked at her.

she was beautiful.

he gently kissed her head, but she had taken her free hand and pulled at his shirt, bringing him to her lips. she was intoxicating, her lips were soft and she tasted like candy. he could've kissed her forever, and he would. he barely pulled away, a smile on his face as he muttered against her lips.

"i love you too, [y/n]. and i will definitely say it again."


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