↳˗ˏˋ eighteen ˊˎ˗↴

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his body ached for her touch, but he didn't dare do anything until she told him what she meant. he was immensely confused; shouldn't living and getting to fuck him be enough?

"did i render you speechless? didn't think that was possible," [y/n] chuckled lowly.

"i think your life and personal pleasure would be enough, don't you think?" he sneered.

"you probably should've realized long ago that i don't care much for my own life," she pointed out, standing up in front of him. she stood between his legs, his arms daring to pull her closer. he had never felt so much frustration in his life. "you wanna know what i want?"

sukuna scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i'm almost afraid to ask."

"hm, you should be," she smiled sweetly, carefully straddling his lap as she placed her hands on his chest. her hands were surprisingly cold.

"what do you want?" he cleared his throat. she moved her lips towards his ear, feeling her breath as she got close.

"release itadori from the binding vow," she whispered. his hands flew to her sides, fingers gripping aggressively at her waist as he pushed her away. she let out a laugh when she had landed on the floor, watching his entire demeanor change. "i fucking knew it."

"you brat," he scowled, slumping in his chair, "i should just kill you."

"what satisfaction will you get from that? isn't it more fun when the person doesn't want to die?" she clicked her tongue.

"fuck off. you're officially banned," he rolled his eyes.

"hey-" [y/n] began, but she found herself back outside at the school. "what the fuck-"

"[y/n]! holy shit, where have you been?" she heard from behind her, turning to see megumi standing there in his pajamas.

"trying to get sukuna to kill me," she blankly said, his face distorting.

"i'm sorry, what?"

"well clearly i lost since i'm still here. anyways! why are you awake? it's late, isn't it?"

"i don't sleep much at night," he sighed. not a complete lie; he hadn't seen [y/n] return and it made him anxious. "everyone else is asleep, though."

"didn't mean to keep you up," she apologized, moving closer to him. "hey, megumi?"


"if i ever did something... inherently bad, would you see me differently?"

he furrowed his brows in confusion, "why would i see you any differently?"

"well, like, if i did something so fucked up and stupid that is practically impossible to forgive and come back from. would you see me differently?" she tried to explain, but he still seemed confused. "ah, forget it."

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