↳˗ˏˋ nanami kento ˊˎ˗↴

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she knew exactly where he would be.

a creature of habit, that damned man.

she started walking and didn't stop. she brushed past people, crossed sidewalks, jaywalked at some points. she needed to keep going, because if she stopped, she wasn't going to go.

the streets soon became familiar. the buildings, the lights, the smells. there was a certain level of comfort, almost. like she was meant to walk these streets right now.

it was perfect.

she pushed the doors open and went straight for the elevator, foot tapping anxiously as it made its way up.

all the way up. to the top floor.

she stepped out and made her way up the stairs, pulling open the door that clearly stated "restricted access." she didn't care.

there he was, leaning over the edge on his arms, taking in the sights down below. the breeze was more aggressive up here, but that only made it better.

the sound of the door closing forced him to turn his head. his eyes landed on the girl before returning to the sights below. he could hear her walk towards him, stopping when she was mere inches away. "door says restricted access," he simply said.

"you'd know that's never stopped me before," she crossed her arms, tapping her elbow with her finger.

he straightened up and turned to look at her, head tilted slightly to the side as he took in her expression. she looked scared, but, at the same time, she looked peaceful.

it was beautiful.

"please pardon my bluntness, but the last time we were on a roof together, it almost didn't end well," he told her, to which she let out a dry chuckle.

"i will admit that me and roofs don't exactly have a stellar track record," she nodded, looking up to meet his gaze. it was scary how piercing his was. the way it felt like he could see every nook and cranny of your soul, the way it seemed like he never was watching, but he always paid attention. "can i be blunt?"

"go ahead," he said, leaning against the ledge. he rested his hands against the concrete, one hand stagnant while the other tapped anxiously against the cold surface.

"you've taught me a lot. not just about school and jobs and jujutsu, but also about life. you knew exactly what you wanted and always went for it, and that was so inspiring and scary. i was fucking terrified of the idea of chasing after dreams because they felt impossible. there was always this immense pressure to do what i had been told to do, but you always looked at me and said that i could be whoever i wanted and that i could do it without boundaries. no one had ever looked me in the eye and told me i was great just the way i was until you did," she chewed the inside of her lip, trying to read any change in his expression. none, as expected. "thank you for accepting me. i couldn't have asked for more."

"you know," he began, one corner of his mouth upturning a bit, "i've always found indirect confessions to be quite dismal. i think that if you love someone, you should tell it to them straight. no need to beat around the bush." her eyes glistened at his words, a smile growing on her face as she finally looked at him.

he was beautiful.

"i love you, nanami. and i mean it," she breathed. he stood up and moved closer to her, fingers gently grazing her jaw as he turned her head up to look at her. he finally smiled, placing a gentle kiss to her lips as he held her close.

"i love you too, [y/n]. and i mean it."


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