↳˗ˏˋ seven ˊˎ˗↴

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gojo was furious, but he had a weird way of being furious.

"listen dude, we thought itadori was dead and you rolled him out in a box," [y/n] argued.

"it was for theatrics!" gojo shot back. his expression softened and he let out a sigh, taking a seat across from her. "i'm sorry."

"oh god, not you too-"

"no, stop it. i'm speaking. okay, where was i?" gojo tapped his chin. "oh right! okay. i'm sorry, [y/n]. i was supposed to be there for you and i wasn't. i failed you as a teacher and guardian. i should've known better than to send you out there with megumi to fight special grades."

"it really wasn't your fault, gojo. you thought i was prepared and capable, and i was. you didn't do anything wrong."

"but i still should've been there. that was a misjudgment on my end, and i'm sorry."

"uh, thanks i guess?"

"i seriously just went full emotional outbreak on you, and all you have to say is "thank i guess"? damn, you are cold," gojo shook his head.

"christ, gojo," [y/n] leaned back in the chair, her head resting against the backing of the chair. gojo's eyes trained themselves onto her neck, tilting his head a bit.

"did you have a good birthday, at least?" he asked.

"yeah, it was fun. had a whole party and everything."

"this one was the big eighteen, right?"

"yep," [y/n] picked her head up, looking at the time. "alright, i have to go train with the others. you need me for anything else?" gojo shook his head and [y/n] headed out. his mind wandered a bit, watching her walk out the door.

"you've grown up quite a bit in those last few weeks, haven't you?" he muttered, finger tapping against his knee.


[y/n] headed down to the field after she changed into her training clothes, seeing everyone had already gotten started. itadori and nobara were lying flat on the ground, maki standing over them with her staff. that made sense. it seemed everyone had made immense progress while she was gone. that was good. "save some energy for me, would you?" she called out, making her way down the steps.

"wouldn't be fair, considering you've been at home on your ass partying this entire time," maki joked.

"salmon," inumaki nodded.

"on the contrary, you assholes, i have not been neglecting my training," [y/n] pouted, a grin growing on her face, "i've actually been promoted." everyone's jaw dropped.

"you got promoted in thirteen weeks?" nobara screamed.

"there's no way. you're a semi-grade, right? you can't have possibility done months worth of work in thirteen weeks," maki scoffed, and [y/n] shrugged. "how did you even get recommended? who promoted you?"

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