Crushed hopes.

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       "Anyways, let's begin." Hazel hair announced. Ruby knew they would be in big trouble if the foundation found out they lied, she knew she had to do something.

     "W-wait!" Ruby pleaded causing the hazel haired man to pause instinctually. "Yes?" He answered, questioning her, "I-I..Uh...Am really terrified of needles!" She confessed falsely, "Ye-yeah, my lil Sis just hates getting shots!" Yang backed up, as she patted said sister on the back. While spotting a nervous, closed eye smile that displayed an awkward amount of her teeth. The doctor to raise an eyebrow skeptically.

      "Ye-Yes indeed, Ruby here just blanches at the sight of needles!" Weiss added, "Yea, something that happened in her childhood..I-I heard.." Blake made up, "She was hit by a.. a something?" Yang elaborated, as her mind blanked. "It was a nail!" Ruby screamed, waving her arms around. "That doesn't seem-" the hazel hair doctor started, "It was a rusty nail!" Weiss elaborated, interrupting him.

      "I don't understand why-Ah.." Hazel hair cut off his frustrated words with a sound of realisation."Okay then, you may go last. Your friends will go first." Hazel hair compromised regaining his composure, he narrowed his eyes and smiled in satisfaction as he held a needle

    Team RWBY looked at each other with a mix of emotions and one collective thought, there wasn't a way to get out of this. Weiss was the first to step forward, "Go on." She probed.

   He outstretched an arm, beckoning the snow haired girl to give him her hand. When she did, he cleaned Weiss's finger with an alcohol wipe.

     The hazel haired doctor turned away to receive a needle from Dr 'Anderson'.

    Hazel hair then hovered the needle above Weiss's finger. As he jabbed it in, Weiss shut her eyes, unable to look at the needle's inability to pierce her skin.

    Dr 'Anderson' stared silently, while RBY and oddly enough, Hazel hair watched in surprise, as the needle penetrated Weiss's finger with ease.

However, shortly before the needle did, there was a second of white light that surrounded her body and broke apart just as quickly as it came.

     The light was eerily similar to aura, but RBY knew that aura wouldn't break apart because of something as small as a needle... Well, unless the aura was already drained to it's breaking point... However, with all the time that had passed by RBY thought- no, RBY knew their aura should have been refilled by now...

So why could the needle penetrate Weiss's skin?

As the needle began to draw blood from the white haired girl, the rest off her teammates started whispering amongst themselves.

"Why didn't her aura work?" Ruby whispered with a worried expression.

   "I think her aura did work, it's just broke too easily.." Blake answered frowning, deep in her thoughts.

   Ruby bit her lip, "Do you think it has something to do with how this new dimension works?"

"If it does it puts a big wrench in our plans.." Yang lamented kicking at the floor. How would they get out now? The Foundation hasn't done anything too bad yet, but it's yet that has Yang worried.

  Meanwhile, with Weiss and the hazel haired doctor, there was an awkward silence.

   "So, why did you become a doctor?" Weiss asked, breaking the silence.

  "Oh, well you see, my family had a history of law. But don't tell anyone this, the family business was a little shady." The doctor divulged, stage whispering.

    "So, I didn't really want to follow. I wanted to help people, to actually do a little good for the world." Hazel hair explained, focussed on Weiss's arm. "So off I went to med school." He finished, and Weiss couldn't help but draw parallels between them.

    "That's.." Weiss begun,
commendable, brave..attractive..

   "A good story.." she settled on, blushing at her thoughts.

    However, in her admiration, she failed to notice the blond doctor narrowing his eyes at the hazel hair doctor while he spoke.

    "Thank you." Hazel hair replied, looking up to grin  at her.

    "Well, I think I've drawn enough blood." He said, cleaning the place the needle punctured. "It was pleasant talking to you. However, now I need to take some samples of your friends blood." Hazel hair shared.

"R-Right. Guys! It's your turn!" Weiss called, causing team RWBY to pause their conversation, and begin walking over to her.

     After that, one by one the hazel haired doctor proceeded to inject the other members of team RWBY, with each result being that same. There was a flash of light the colour of their aura each time the needle was jabbed into their wrists.

Ruby's and Yang's hope, that what happened with Weiss was only a fluke, began to die out. While Blake had already let her hope die out when she saw Weiss's aura break, nothing was ever this easy, they just had to march on.

         ________A little while later_______
A man stood in his office, speaking into an untraceable cellphone.

    "Yes." He replied, drumming the desk impatiently with his other hand. "I'm sure, their aura broke instantly." He recounted.

The voice on the other end of the phone started speaking again. And the man listened, licking his lips and holding his tongue, as he was reminded of his failure.

     "You can take this message to the boss." He informed, barely suppressing the irritation in his voice.

"We won't fail this time, I'll make sure those girls will be ours."

A:N:Hey! So it's been two maybe three years? I'm sorry, I got tired of this story.

And when I regained interest, every time I looked at this chapter I felt like it wasn't long enough, so I became demoralised.

But I decided to just complete and post it, because if I kept going like this it was going to be another two more years. Though on the plus side, I have become better at writing, so that's something.

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