We're a what?..

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My eyes fluttered opened and I immediately shut them close because I was blinded by the bright lights. I also smelled strange smells in the air, oh well their probably not important right now, number one priority: sleep.

"Ruby!" I heard the familiar voice of my big sister call, sooo tired.. I groaned in reply and rolled over "Oh get up you big baby!" Yang teased shaking me. "No..too tired.." I complained and hid my heard under my pillow.

I felt relieved that the nightmare I was having was over, I just want to sleep I'm so tired. "Not getting away that easily!" Playfully warned then she pulled the pillow from my face, exposing me to the dangerous, eye blinding rays of light. The light seeped through my eyelids and interrupted the peaceful darkness. I covered my face with my arms and-Wait a minute.. Now that I think about it, I don't remember the lights being this bright.

       I opened my eyes again, and was blinded by those unfamiliar bright lights again. I blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting then I looked around. My surroundings included of a sparkly marble floor, it's colour was, or at least I think it was, an odd mix of green and black, it was so shiny! Somebody definitely took extra effort to polish it! Around me were smooth white walls that looked extremely clean, not even a tiny spec of dirt could be spotted, I wonder if they just have a person to scrub and shine up this room!

There were plenty of other beds, most of them had depressions but there was almost no one here besides a woman in a nurse uniform-wait that's it! This place is a hospital! Phew, for a second  I thought my nightmare might have been real! She was using a weird looking rectangle, I bet it's some kind of medical device. Then there was the only person in the room, my big sister Yang. Which was sitting there patiently, which- not to be mean or anything was out of character of her.

         A little smile formed on my face as I turned to look at her, that little smile vanished turning a gape as my eyes widened. Yang's messy golden hair was more untidy then usual, it had knots! Knots! Those things that happens when you don't take care of your hair! Yang loves her hair! And Yang also had dark rings under her eyes! Yang probably hadn't slept in days!

Even though I don't remember getting hurt I probably made her so worried! "Yang..what?..what happened?.." I choked holding back from asking  about her appearance. "Long story short, we are..sort of trapped here forever." She blurted. I opened and closed my mouth a few times trying to register what my sister just said. Trapped here forever?..am I disabled? My leg unconsciously twitched under the blanket disproving that. Yang said we.. even if I can't leave the..hospital? Yang should be able to! Then it clicked, the nightmare..probably wasn't a nightmare..No! No! No! Please in the name of cookies no!

     "..W-Who's trapping u-us?.." I asked knowing and praying that it wasn't the answer. "The SCP foundation." Yang replied all-or at least most of the fear in me turned into confusion. "Foundation?" I echoed "The people who trapped us, Ruby do you remember them?" Yang asked concern I nodded slowly remembering not very vividly Guards..people in lab coats..and a gun fight?..that can't be right?..

"Sis..what's SCP?" I acquired, "It's..it's a little hard to explain but it's what we are now." Yang answered opening a new stream of questions, 'what we are now' what does that mean? Yang still hasn't told me what a 'SCP' is. The stream of questions poured out "Why are these foundation people trapping us? What's a SCP and why are we that? Why is a SCP hard to explain? Why do you have eye bags? How do you have eye bags? It's only been a few hours..What happened?" I questioned.

       Yang opened her mouth to answer when at the exact wrong time the door slid open and a person in a familiar looking guard uniform marched in "Okay time to-" he boredly informed, he was carrying a tray of food I didn't get to see because he dropped it when he laid his eyes on me, well visor?.. He then ran out the door screaming something.

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