Something fishy and something slimy (999)

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When team RWBY was escorted back to their
containment cell, the grim silence from their journey still remained.

      So with a forced inflation of mood, Yang spoke.
"Well thaat was nerve racking." She began, a small smile on her face, a hand on her hip and another jabbing a thumb behind her. "I thought they were definitely gonna find out that we were holding out info on them."

    "That's a good point, we need to focus on the bright side, right?" Ruby agreed voice wavering and speech rushed. "Although, I'm more worried about not having our weapons, and in addition our aura not working.." Ruby mumbled with a serious expression that looked like she was deep in thought.

However, Blake's thoughts were occupied by Weiss, who not only hadn't said a word, which was odd for a conversation like this, but also was more focussed on glancing at the door.

    "Yeah.. The sooner we can get home, the better. we're sort of defenceless here.." Yang drawled with crossed arms, as Blake blinked back into their conversation, a realisation dawning on her. "Home. We were fighting a big battle.. Salem.."

    "You're right..With everything going..How could I forget?.. Jaune, Nora, Ren, General Ironwood, Penny, Mr Polendina, Weiss's sister.. We just.. left them.." Ruby hugged herself and grit her teeth.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." An oddly unbothered voice dismissed. And team RBY turned to see Weiss with her back now towards them, looking over her shoulder with a calm expression on her face, even standing in a petite pose. "What, do you mean?.." Blake asked, giving Weiss an assessing look.

"Well they're fighters of an acceptable standard, I'm sure they can manage." Weiss explained looking back at the door. "But we can still help can't we? And besides we still need to defeat Salem."Ruby declared, regaining her strength. "No. We don't." Ruby faltered at that.

"Ozpin can find someone else to do that, I think we should stay here." Weiss said with her back turned to RBY.

Yang blinked, "Ice Queen what-" "There's no semblances, no Grimm and that means presumingly no Schnee Dust Company. And plus there's that mysterious doctor here." Weiss listed, blushing and glancing at the door at the last item.

     Blake narrowed her eyes. While a certain kind of dread sank into Ruby, dread that after everything they've been through, Weiss may not only leave team RWBY, but also abandon Remnant and everyone they knew and loved.

Yang, on the other hand, was left sputtering, before she managed to make a coherent sentence. "Weiss!!! You're willing to leave everyone back home, to whatever fate, for a boy?!" Yang growled, stomping a foot forwards, eyes flashing red before she had to be held back by Ruby and Blake.

     "Weiss, please." Ruby begged taking a few steps towards Weiss, "Change your mind..Remnant needs all the help it can get." she reasoned hands over one another on her chest, a panicked, pleading expression on her face.

The cold look on Weiss's face melted away, as her eyes flickered from Ruby, and her desperate face, to Yang who was crossing her arms and giving Weiss a dirty look, to Blake who had a hand on Yangs shoulder and then back to Ruby. Before she shook her head, as if to get rid of something, and scowled.

      "I don't need to explain myself to you." She said, before shoulder checking Ruby as she walked to her bed.

RBY all parted for her, acting as if she was some sort of threat they needed to be wary of, and not their teammate. Weiss was frankly a little hurt, she didn't understand why they couldn't just accept that she wanted to stay here. In fact, she would go as far to say if they cared, they would stay here with her, her and that mysterious hazel haired doctor-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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