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You wake up from a sudden noise, forgetting what had happened in the previous night. Whipping around to see the source of the noise you instantly calm down seeing a sleeping Cat beside you. After an hour you walk over to a sleeping cat and decide to have a little fun waking her up. Slowly you creep up the bed on ur feet trying to keep ur balance till finally you reach her and scream jumping frantically, Cat bolts up reaching for a weapon till she sees you. "REALLY Y/N!!!" she yells making you die of laughter, even more than you already are. " You should have seen your face that was priceless!" You say catching ur breath, while she tries pushing you onto the floor. "No it was not you gave me a heart attack n/n" she whines at you. "Ok I'm sorry, wanna show me around now kit-cat?" You ask nicely smiling glad to have ur friend back after all this time. "Sure let's get dressed then we'll go". After getting ready you both head to the streets, it looks so different now that you've been gone for so long. Almost darker but that's expected from Gotham, no matter where you go. Cat started showing you places to stay away from and places that are alright, where to hide when needed and places to get food. Suddenly you run into a tall figure while you were looking to the ground not paying mind to anything. You land on ur butt from the hardness of the person's chest, looking up you see a tall man with a worried look on him face and his glasses that had landed in my lap. He looks down at me in what looks to be concern, "Are you ok madam, I am so sorry here let me help you up". He reaches his hand down to you which you hesitated to take but did. You get up with the help of the stranger with his glasses in ur hand. "It's ok, it was my fault for not paying attention to where I was walking, oh here!" you say reaching up and sliding his glasses back on his face. He flushes in his cheeks "oh thank you miss..." he says pausing not knowing your name. "Y/N, my names y/n" you say sweetly. "Y/n, that's a very pretty name. Thank you y/n" looking down trying to hide the blush you smile, "thank you mister..." you pause waiting for a name. "Nygma, Edward Nygma" he smiles happily. Smiling you continue "thank you Edward". All the while both of you are paying no attention to the girl in leather watching you two, till you hear a little noise from her. Looking over you get yourself together and look back to the sweet man. "Well Mr. Nygma, I must be going but it was nice to meet you!" Smiling down at you he chirps happily "It was nice to meet you as well". With that you part ways with cat on heel. You walk in silence till cat speaks. "What was that, someone gotta crush" she says teasing. "NO..... I was just being nice, there's nothing wrong with that is there?", you ask quickly as to get off the subject, "I guess not, but I don't think that's gonna work out here with others n/n" she says warning me of the monsters in this city. "I know but he was nice" you say smiling at the thought. Cat sighs "ok ok let's just keep walking y/n". After that there was more silence, neither of us said a word just listened to the sounds of the cars and people going about their lives. A while passed you and Cat just walking, taking in the sights and enjoying each other's company "What should we do now?" You ask tired from walking around all day. "We could go home I'm tired and wanna sleep" she says yawning rubbing her eyes. You agree and go back home, having forgot about your worries and the trouble, just being happy to have a break from the terrible past you were running from, you fall fast into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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