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After a couple hours of walking around you finally find some street kids, some laughing sitting on the ground together, some standing by the fire that was lit in a metal barrel all except for one that looked quite familiar. A smaller girl in leather leaning on the wall, hood covering most of her face looking around like something could happen at anytime. After looking around u decided to make ur way over to the girl in leather to see if u really did know who she was. Taking a couple steps towards her, her head snaps in ur direction eyes wide watching me. She watches you for a minute like Ur an alien or something about to attack then all of the sudden you hear is "Y/N" almost a whisper barely audible but loud enough to where only u could hear it. Unsure you answer, "do I know you?" She gets closer to you standing in front of you now. "Is it really you y/n?" a little louder now seeming excited, "yeah my names y/n, how do you know me, who are you?" You say back unsure of who she even is, "y/n it's me Cat, you don't remember me?" Now both of us speaking normally. "Cat?, I'm sorry where do I know you from" her looking a bit upset now answers "we used to hang out together all the time before you just vanished, I thought something bad happened to you. Remember I called you n/n and you called me kit-cat." Realization flashes across your face, now remembering all the trouble you used to get into together and all the fun things you guys used to do. "CAT!!!" Throwing yourself onto her gripping her in the tightest hug you could like at any moment she would vanish before your eyes. "I missed you to y/n, where did you go what happen to u?" Letting her go everything floods back. "I really don't want to talk about it cat, I'm here now though and I don't plan on leaving you again." She starts looking at me probably debating whether to leave it alone or not but luckily she does. "Ok y/n I'm just glad your back where you stayin now?" Damn you thought forgetting about what you came here for but then thinking maybe cat would let me stay with her. "Nowhere at the moment, cat do you think maybe I could stay with you?" "Sure y/n I'd love to have the company and I'd like to keep an eye on you make sure u don't disappear again." Joking around with you she grabs your arm and links it with hers, starting to walk to her place. On the way all you two do is laugh and joke around catching up with each other, she tells you the trouble she's gotten into lately and the people she hangs out with now. You tell her as little about ur life as you can, but you do mention the new "friend" you met that helped you out when you really needed it. Finally you reach a building that looks kinda rundown, you both climb the fire escape into one of the many windows. When u get in it's a huge room with a mattress on the ground a rack with very few clothes on it and a light. "This is it y/n, it's not much but it's home." You look around for a second taking everything in. "Cat it's great, it'll be nice to stay with ya." She smiles at ya looking around too before kicking her boots off and sitting on the bed. "Well it's late let's get some sleep and I'll show you around tomorrow ok." Feeling extremely tired all the sudden you nod your head and lay on the bed with her taking off your boots too. "Goodnight cat." She rolls over looking at you before giving you a hug. "Goodnight y/n, it's great to have you back." With that you both cover up and fall asleep, you feeling so much safer than you have in a while.

I'm back guys!!!!
I'm so sorry, my life has been getting worse for quite a while and today is the first day that I've not been so depressed that I wanted to finally give you guys an update. I hope you guys like it❤️❤️❤️

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