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You had no idea where you were. Literally none, and how could you? Once you got deep enough into the woods, everything started to look the same. The trees kinda looked different turning in different directions and the floor under my feet slightly changed. You did everything you could do to ignore the stinging pain in your feet, from the rocks and twigs you were stepping on. You simply kept on going by this point your feet were bleeding and hurt like hell but you kept going. What was a couple more cuts on ur feet going to do?. You have been walking through the trees forever, stopping only to take a couple breaks. You had no idea where you were going, no idea where you were or what time it was, though you could tell from the purple and orange sky that it would be dark soon. "Fuck" you said to your self as you wiped your face on ur shirt. You didn't want to spend the night out here alone, with the bugs on the ground and the bigger more aggressive animals that come out at night. Looking around you, you try to hear cars or anything that could point u to civilization. But you saw no street lights and heard no cars or people not anything, but then u look between some trees and see a structure which you run to in hopes of finding someone that might help you or a place to stay the night. I mean what did u have too lose?, you made your way to the structure as fast as ur tired legs will carry you swearing as ur feet fit rocks and twigs. Suddenly you smash against the solid steel door to catch your breath while looking over the building as you do so. You get up and try to open the door u pull as hard as you can but it doesn't budge, you feel hopeless and slide down the door. Tears start to blur your eyes until...

Hope you like it🙂

Found by Jeremiah valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now