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Jeremiah stands up and slowly walks toward you till he's right in front of you he leans down looking you in the eyes " Curiosity killed the cat don't you know, it's not nice to wonder threw other people's homes" stepping back a little while looking toward the floor "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be nosy sir" you say quietly trying to not make him mad at you. You hear him sigh, you look up to him to see him shaking his head, "I guess it's alright, you didn't wonder anywhere else did you?" He says looking you right in the eyes again. "No sir I didn't I was just going to the bathroom" u almost whisper. Jeremiah looks at you and smile's " alright then be on your way I'll check on you when I'm done with my work, and do not go snooping anywhere else do you understand me?" you look up at him frantically nodding your head at him while smiling back "yes sir I understand sorry to bother you I'll be going now, goodbye" you say quickly turning around to walk out the door from behind you, you hear him say quietly a "goodbye" as well which made you smile a little for some reason.

You do what you were told by Jeremiah so you wouldn't get into more trouble tonight. On your way back to your room you hear a loud bang and run faster toward the room Jeremiah told you to stay in. Once you're in you slam the door and listen through the wall to see if you hear anything else in the hallways. After a minute you hear faintly Jeremiah speaking very loudly in the room you were once in with him. Out of nowhere he sounds very mad and you want to know why, but you keep your promise and stay in your room for now. You walk across the room and sit on your bed only to hear him walking down the hallway towards your room, once he gets close it sounds like he is dragging something past your door. By the sound of it he is having a hard time dragging whatever it was, so you being curious crack the door open a little bit to peek and see what he was dragging to your horror you see the women that let you into the bunker the other night. Throw your hand over your mouth so you don't make a sound and quietly shut the door back in place. U have no clue what to do but you are freaking out debating on just leaving and risk being found or staying and risk being killed by this man.

I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated, I've had a lot of stuff on my plate this past couple months that I haven't been able to update. I am going to start trying to update regularly for you!!!

Found by Jeremiah valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now