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A petite women with blond hair and a short frame. "Very well" she says to you stepping aside. She looked at me for a moment examining my state at this moment "come with me" she says and turns around and walks away. You follow her like she said making sure to keep up with her, you are lead through the concrete halls till she stopped. "Stay in this room and don't move, he'll be in to question you in a moment"
She tells you and walks away before you can ask who HE is. You sit in a chair and wait for the mystery man to come get you, after a while the door opened and in walked a man that was about 6ft tall with fiery hair, he was handsome in his little vest and with his square glasses. You stare till he turns all the way to look at you and you quickly stare at your feet so you don't get caught looking at him for to long.
When you look back up he is starring at you no emotion on his face "where did you come from?" He asked you starring into your soul almost, "central Gotham" You said your voice weak raising your head to meet his eyes. He stares a little longer before asking another question "what happened to you why are you this far out of Gotham?" You put ur head down "I was in a bad situation, I ran." He raises an eyebrow at you suspicious of what happened and who you are but doesn't question it. "Ok that's fine, you will stay here the bathroom is next door and I will bring you food, but I advise u not to wonder anywhere else but here do you understand?"
"Yes thank you very much I won't be a bother" with that he gives you a smile and leaves for the night.
Not before turning around and saying "O by the way my name is Jeremiah"

Found by Jeremiah valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now