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           Until...  You catch something out of the corner of your eye, a little red light on a camera signaling that it was on and someone was watching you. You put your hand through your hair to try to make yourself more presentable, you knew they were out there still looking for you hunting you down like a deer. You had to get this person to let you in or they would definitely find you, you look at the camera then at the blackened window on the steel door.
       "Is someone there" you called out weakly. You waited a few minutes to see if someone would come to ur rescue, but no response. The light simply remained red.

"Please... if your in there, please help me. I have no idea where I am... I'm hurt, I can't go back home please help me. Your voice cracked thinking of the situation ur in.                  "I don't mean to be a bother, I just don't want to spend the night out here by myself."  Again you waited for a response that did not come, watching patiently as the camera continued to look at u. But then the light went dark "No" you breathed absence of panic coming over you, " No please please come back. Please don't leave me out here!"

You continued to plead through the door and into the darkness, until the sound of metal sliding against metal stopped me you looked at the door to see it had opened up just a fracture.

"Hello" you nearly whispered stepping to the door with hesitation.
"If you want shelter you may enter, but you have to follow any and all commands while your here do u understand?" A women's voice said to me. "Uhm"... U stumble through ur words not sure about this, "answer quickly or be left outside with the wolves" she said quickly. "Yes. Yes, I understand please that's fine" you rushed out, the door opened fully to show...

Found by Jeremiah valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now