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A/N: I've been wanting to write this one for awhile and I finally got to it! Enjoy!

Two years after the Fourth Great Ninja War had gone by in the blink of an eye.

The Hidden Leaf Village was prospering and growing with visitors thanks to our blonde haired future Hokage who I was crushing on and slowly developing some feelings for.

Sasuke left the village after the war to atone for his sins, but he would occasionally send word to me about when he would come back and he was expecting to come back in three days to visit.

Sakura had opened up a clinic to care for those who had been affected by the war and I would occasionally help out in the clinic and provide support to children who lost loved ones. Considering the amount of grief and losses I've endured, I think it's okay to say that I was the right fit for this job.

Other than that, I'm not really sure what to do with my life except continue being a shinobi. I was already one of the strongest kunoichi amongst the land and the public, but I don't know what else I could possibly do.

I was sitting with Ino and Shikamaru outside a small cafe and I confided in them about my current dilemma.

"You're only twenty years old and you're already having a midlife crisis," sighed Ino as she leaned her back against the comfy chair she was seated in.

"You're just like Sasuke. The two of you don't have much going on for your future," commented Shikamaru. "Why don't you try traveling?"

"That doesn't sound bad. It could be fun," I responded.

"Or you could always take my future position as the Hokage's advisor," joked Shikamaru.

"You think I want to do paperwork and constantly talk to people all day? No thanks."

"Have you ever thought about settling down eventually? Finding love or starting a relationship?" Questioned Ino.

"Well, not exactly," I shyly replied.

"A lot of our friends here are still single, except Sai, he's my man," she clarified. "But, you can always try going on a date with someone. Maybe that someone might be the hero of this village."

"Alright I'm leaving. This is going to turn into a girl talk between the two of you and I'll end up being left out," groaned Shikamaru who stood up from his seat.

"You don't have to go! You're more than welcome to stay," I insisted.

"I'm good. Have fun with your talk," he waved us goodbye and walked off heading down the streets of Konoha.

"You know, Temari hasn't made a move on him yet, so he's still single. Just letting you know," she added in with a smirk on her lips.

"Haha thanks for the information, I'll keep that in mind."

And honestly, Shikamaru is a good man who's smart, loyal, and sweet when he wants to be.

A date with him or anyone wouldn't be a bad idea to add something to life.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the academy today?" Asked Ino.

"I was, but I asked Naruto if he'd like to sub in for me today and he totally agreed."

"Why don't you go watch him? I'm sure he'll be happy to see you there supporting him instead of all those girls around him."

"Trust me, I've noticed," I sighed as we stood up from our seats and began to walk on over to the academy.

After the war, his popularity among the girls skyrocketed and I don't blame them since he was growing even more attractive than when he was in his teenage years.

But seeing a horde of girls surround him and clinging onto him rubbed me the wrong way and I would often times feel a bit jealous.

'Is he ever going to notice me when he's always surrounded by pretty girls?'

"You should give him something for the Rinne Festival that's coming up!" Ino suddenly blurted out startling me for a second.

The Rinne Festival was originally a time where one prays for those who have passed but it has changed over time and now serves as a holiday where friends, family and loved ones can exchange gifts with one other.

"What could I possibly give him that he doesn't have already?" With my hand, I motioned on over to where Naruto was standing who was holding a pile of gifts that varied in size that reached up his chin.

"Was there ever something he really wanted? Or something that was ruined and never fixed?"

"Well... there was this one time when we were kids, he had this red scarf that got ripped and torn apart by these bullies and I felt bad that I didn't step in sooner to stop it from happening."

"That's a start then! You can try making an exact replica of that scarf for him!" Suggested Ino.

"But I don't even know how to knit!" I protested.

"That's why you learn! Duh!"

I stuck my tongue out at her and she did the same until she playfully pushed me and we shared a laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll go get the things you need and drop them off at your place. In the meantime, why don't you go talk to him." She nudged me forward and I reluctantly nodded my head at her.


She patted my shoulder and walked off leaving me alone as I proceeded to walk on over to him and loudly called his name, "Naruto!"

He immediately turned his head in the direction of my voice and his eyes lit up in excitement and he proceeded to carefully jog on over to me to avoid dropping anything.

"(Y/n)! You're here! Did you see how cool I looked back there?"

"I did, but you're cool enough already in my eyes."

His heart fluttered at my words and his whiskered tan cheeks turned slightly rosy. A bashful smile appeared on his lips and an awkward laugh escaped his lips which I noticed and I mentally facepalmed myself 'Was that the wrong thing to say?!"

"Y-You too!" He quickly blurred out without thinking and he mentally groaned and wanted to slam his head into the pile of gifts but refrained from doing so.

"Thanks, but I'm not as popular as you. Sure I get gifts here and there, but nothing compared to you," I laughed and grabbed some of the gifts to help him out.

"Why don't we go drop these off? And then we can hang out for a bit," I said. "I know you've been busy preparing yourself to become Hokage."

"Sounds good to me! I'll treat you somewhere!"

'Who knew how awkward one gets when they like someone.' I internally thought

'Is this what trying to impress someone feels like?' Internally said Naruto.

This was only the beginning stage for us

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