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Naruto and I arrived at a park where we saw Hinata being held a cloaked figure and in front of her stood a young man with shaggy white pair and pale skin whose eyes were closed and wore a ceremonial kimono with a sash tied over it

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Naruto and I arrived at a park where we saw Hinata being held a cloaked figure and in front of her stood a young man with shaggy white pair and pale skin whose eyes were closed and wore a ceremonial kimono with a sash tied over it.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Shouted Naruto who attempted to kick the white haired man, but he disappeared in a millisecond.

The cloaked figure who held Hinata leapt back and ran off while numerous mysterious ninjas appeared and surrounded us.

"Damn," I muttered as my eyes remain locked on the hooded figure. "I'll go after them!"

"You got it!" Said Naruto who created a diversion and allowed me to run after the other ninja.

The ninja wasn't far ahead and I pushed myself to increase my pace as I desperately tried to reach them.

We leapt from building to building and I was on their tail, three ninjas appeared behind me and shot a yellow orb that nearly obliterated my foot.

'These guys are just...!' I looked over my shoulder and activated my Mangekyo Sharingan and engulfed their entire body in red flames.

I gazed up ahead and intently stared at the ninja's foot and a large flame erupted that sent him and Hinata stumbling to the ground.

Hinata rolled to the ground and my face went pale when I saw her fall off the building.


I ran after her and when I was about to leap off the building, I saw her desperately hanging on to a red scarf that caught itself on a needle that was slowly tearing the scarf.

"Sorry about that Hinata!" I apologized before asking, "Are you okay though?"

"Yes, but my body is going numb. He drained most of my chakra," she weakly uttered.

"Okay, I'm gonna pull you up!" My body enveloped itself in my chakra cloak and two chakra arms were protruding from my back that I sent towards Hinata.

The chakra arms grabbed ahold of her waist and slowly lifted her up and mouthed a 'thank you' as she safely rested in my chakra arms.

"(Y/n)!" Shouted Hinata who pointed to her left.

I looked towards my right and saw another yellow orb coming my way and I immediately leapt back and dodged the incoming blasts that destroyed the top of the building I was on. I skidded to a halt on top of another building and lifted my head and set the ninja's entire body in flames leaving him to deteriorate before my eyes.

"How are you holding up?" Asked Naruto who appeared next to me.

"I'm good here and Hinata is over there." I pointed to my chakra arms that were holding her and moving her towards us.

I set her down right behind us and my chakra arms and chakra cloak immediately disappeared.

Hinata's legs were feeling relatively weak and she dropped to her knees clutching a torn scarf.

"Your scarf is ruined," I mentioned and it reminded me of a memory from my childhood when Naruto's scarf was ruined.

"Where did those shinobi come from?" Asked Naruto.

"I don't know," she responded.

"You were clearly the target. Could it have something to do with the Hyuga clan?"

"Maybe?" She said with uncertainty.

The white haired man appeared out of the blue not too far from us and said "The final day is approaching..."

"Why are you here?" I asked with my red eyes ready to change to my Rinnegan if needed.

His eyes remained closed with his eyebrows slightly furrowing when he heard my voice and he could feel a strong source of chakra coming from me. He slowly inched closer as he raised his hand and reached for my face.

"Those eyes..." he muttered but I smacked his hand away as I fiercely stared at him.

"Ha... don't tell me you're one of those people? Someone who goes after people's eyes," I spat.

"I have no intention of doing that right now." A smile formed on his lips as he retracted his hand away from me, despite wanting to graze his fingers against my cheeks.

"I will be back for you." His voice rang in the air with no indication who he was referring to as he completely disappeared into thin air before our eyes.

A small sparkling yellow light was coming from the sky that was gradually growing in size.

Our eyes widened when we saw it fly over our heads and past the Hokage's Faces where a large explosion occurred.

"Just what is going on now?"

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