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I sat before a vanity and stared at my appearance through the mirror as a puppet placed a black turban on my head with a black veil cascading behind my (h/l) hair.

My eyes trailed downward to my attire which consisted of a high collared sleeveless black top that hugged my body with a grey sash around my waist. I wore a pair of short puffy black pants underneath my black dress skirt that ran just past my ankles and concealed my sandals.

'A black and gray wedding... it matches my mood.'

"Can I be alone for a minute?" I asked the two puppets who clipped on a pair of yellow crescent moon earrings on my ears.

They simply eyed me and stood by my side without moving an inch until I startled them when I slammed my hands on the vanity and stood upright and turned to face them with my Mangekyo Sharingan.

"I said I need to be alone! Or are you going to disobey the second head of this castle already?"

They bowed their heads and quietly left the room and my legs gave out on me and I fell back down to my seat.

I placed my hands over my face with water glossing my eyes as I mulled over my future and my fate, "I can't do this."

This was something I did not want to go through with and I can't imagine living a life on the moon away from everyone.

It would be a lonely life of solitude

Even when I lost those I loved, I still had someone.

When I lost my parents, I had the Uchihas

When I lost Shisui, I had Sasuke

When Sasuke abandoned me, I had Naruto

When I lost Jiraiya Sensei and Itachi, I still had Naruto and my friends

But losing everyone is going to be so painful

I wiped away any tears that were waiting to trickle down my cheek and turned to look at myself in the mirror.

As much as it pained me to go through with this choice, it was better than everyone on Earth dying and having their blood on my hands.

"This is all for the sake of my village. For the sake of my friends," I shakily breathed as I talked at my own reflection before composing myself and straightening myself up.

'This is for them.'

I walked out of my room and down the hall where I saw Toneri dressed in all black attire with his hand reached out to me.

"You look beautiful," he complimented.

"Thank you," I tiredly said as I placed my hand on top of his and he guided us to where the ceremony would take place.

We arrived in front of a large door that was pushed open for us with the sounds of a gong echoing inside.

A red carpet was laid out before us and there were numerous puppets lined up to the left and right to watch the ceremony with one puppet priest standing at the end on top of a tiled gray platform.

I gulped as Toneri and I walked down the carpet with my eyes glancing at the puppets who stood before us. I slipped my hand away from Toneri's to slightly lift up my dress skirt to prevent myself from tripping over it as I walked up a few steps and stood on the platform.

The priest immediately performed a hand sign and a blue light appeared below us and encircled us.

'I'm not ready for this.'

Toneri walked towards the priest and received something that I could not see from behind, but I anxiously stood there with my heart thumping against my chest. When he turned around, he held a small, white, round piece of bread in between his lips.

He took a step towards me and lowered himself to my level so I could reach the bread. He inched it closer to me to the point where it grazed my lips and I felt a chill run down my spine when I hesitantly parted my lips.

'For them.' I reminded myself as I closed my eyes and let my lips break off a piece of the bread. Before I could even chew down on it, Toneri placed his hands on my cheeks making the bread I held in between my lips to fall to the ground and crack.

I opened my eyes and was met with Toneri crashing his lips onto mine. My eyes widened as he hungrily devoured my lips and let his tongue slip into mine making my cheeks slightly heat up.

'Where did this come from?!'

"Wait!" I gasped as I pulled myself away from him only for him to wrap his arms around my waist and press me against his firm chest.

"Is it too much for you?" He smirked and I shook my head and averted my eyes away from his and responded with, "It was... unexpected."

His smirk disappeared and he fondly smiled at me and planted a kiss on my forehead before resting his head on top of mine and whispered, "You will now be considered an Ōtsutsuki and I'm sure they'll come to meet you in the near future. But regardless of that, I promise to be on your side."

"That's...great," I muttered as I let my arms remain by my side with a crestfallen expression that could not be seen by him nor the puppets in the room.

'Let's just hope I never have to meet another Ōtsutsuki again nor give birth to one anytime soon.'

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