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"Shikamaru, can I talk to you for a sec?" I whispered to him once I saw my friends setting up for the night.

"Yeah sure." He set his brown backpack down and I motioned for him to follow after me into the forest. We stayed nearby but not close enough to the point where they would overhear our conversation.

"Spill then," he said and leaned his back against a tree to rest.

I explained to him the conversation that occurred between Toneri and I earlier and greatly emphasized the marriage part and the part about him possibly killing everyone if I didn't agree to it.

"I don't blame him for wanting to marry you. Some of would like to," said Shikamaru who scratched the back of his head with his head turned away from me feeling slightly embarrassed.

I stood there with my (s/c) cheeks burning in embarrassment and I placed my hand over my cheeks to hide it from him, but he noticed and smirked.

'I feel like Hinata right now.'

"Seriously Shikamaru, that's all you took from it," I fanned my face and averted my eyes from him, but he simply laughed and shook his head.

"Well, you wouldn't be telling me all of this unless you have something in mind already, am I right?" He asked.

I nodded my head and suggested, "What if... I do go with him? If I'm there, I can find a way to get you guys in."

"I'm not sure about this. It sounds risky."

"It is, but I think I can manage," I half confidently said.

"Even if he's following you around? You can't draw suspicion when trying to find a way to get us in."

"I know... I'm sure he wasn't lying about killing you guys or blowing up the village if I were to go against him. Sasuke should be back in the village by now, but even if he is or isn't, this would be a surprise attack."

"You're right. I'll send a word to Kakashi about taking precautionary measures."

"Good. And by the way, you cannot tell them about this plan, especially Naruto! There's no way Naruto would let me leave if he knew of this! He might even sabotage our plan." I pleaded to him.

His eyes looked elsewhere and he felt a bit guilty about all of his, but he agreed. "I won't say anything, but you need to be careful."

"I will. Thank you!" I said to him and clutched his hands and shook them.

"I finished collecting wood....oh..." Naruto's voice trailed off when his eyes traveled to our hands and felt his heart slightly drop.

I noticed where his gaze went and I removed my hands and said, "It's not what it looks like!"

"If you say so," he unsurely responded and turned around and walked towards our campsite and he remained oddly quiet throughout the night.

~The Next Day~

We arrived in an small uninhabited village with vibrant green trees and bushes encasing the area.

Everyone ended up splitting up and I was on my own this time as I walked through a run down path with ashes on the wall and houses.

"There must have been a fire here, but I expected more to be burnt," I muttered to myself as I continued to pass through pieces of rubble.

I could hear a soft feminine laugh echo in the air and when I looked over my shoulder, I could see Naruto and Hinata smiling at one another as they walked side by side.

"They sure are having fun," I grumbled as I turned my head forward and ran my fingers through my hair.

Everyone besides Shikamaru thinks Hinata is the real target with Naruto glued to her side every minute of the day to protect her.

But in reality, I'm the real target with no one by my side to guard me and I'm to blame for that by not disclosing the information.

The only who can protect me is myself even as I walk into Toneri's trap.

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