Alternate Ending

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After Toneri wiped out all of human life on Earth, I fell into a state of emptiness and despair on the moon.

I cried every night as I reminisced the people I had lost and the ones I had loved. My (e/c) eyes grew cold and dull and were filled with disdain whenever I met Toneri's eyes. I attempted to erase my existence from this place, but Toneri would never allow it and interfered to the point where I remain encaged.

But years had passed and I bore a child, a child who brought some life into my eyes, after living tirelessly and without a purpose.

My five year old daughter was seated in front of a vanity as I carefully braided her long pale blue hair. I hate that she inherited some of his features and despite his blood running through his veins, I could never hate her.

She calmly stared at herself in the mirror and repeated a question she was often curious about.

"Can you tell me more about Earth?"

A weak smile made its way to my lips and I silently nodded my head as I pondered over something I have not told her yet.

'My mom always looks so sad. The only other time her eyes shine is when she talks about Earth, but then her face falls and her eyes become dull almost as if... she wants to die.'

(D/n) stared at me through the mirror and wondered the reason behind the expressions I would make, but it was something she didn't dare to ask.

"Well, there was-" but I was cut off by a loud rumble that resonated throughout the building. I immediately let go of her hair and signaled for her to stay put as I left the room and ran to the direction where the sound came from.

At the entrance to the castle, two people who shared similar characteristic as Toneri stood there. One had long pale blue hair styled into a ponytail and the other was taller and had a burly physique and carried a glowing red weapon behind him.

"You destroyed our only source of chakra to create these!" Shouted the long haired male as he extended his hand out and on the palm of his hand were three small red pills.

"What is going on?" I asked with my voice booming against the walls as I stepped up and stood beside Toneri with my eyes fixed on the two who stood a few feet away from us.

"Ah, is this the mortal wife you never introduced us to? How cold of you," chuckled the long haired male as he sent a wicked smile my way, but his smile widened when he sensed my chakra. "But I'm sure your wife can make up for your mistake."

"Not her," growled Toneri as he held his arm out in front of me.

"Then how else do you expect us to make more of these?! We need an enormous amount of chakra! You had the same ideals as us!"

"Things have changed. Find another solution," stated Toneri.

The long haired male glared at him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "You ruined our plan! There's no other solution to this besides her!"

"What could you possibly need them for?" I questioned them with slight curiosity.

"Immense power and immortality. Something you could never acquire," he shot back.

"I could care less about that at this point," I scoffed and turned my back to them as I proceeded to walk away.

"Wait... I sense another chakra presence, albeit it is smaller. Could it be that... you have a child?"

"Not my child!" I snapped at them and whirled my head as my Mangekyo Sharingan intensely stared at them.

"You seemed like you were drained of life with no desire to live until I mentioned that child. How amusing," he cackled. "Is our dear Toneri not treating you right? That can be resolved if you give your life to us."

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