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I sat across from Toneri in a medium sized dining table with various types of entrées set before us by his puppets.

"Meals are nice when you have someone to talk to and I'm content that this is what we will be doing from now on," he smiled as he picked up his fork and knife and began to cut into the tender meat before him. "This castle will be yours so feel free to take a look around later. Now, tell me about yourself."

I sat in my seat with my eyes glancing between him and the juicy meat in front of me with my stomach growling.

"Well, I'm a shinobi. That's the most obvious thing," I said as I hesitantly picked up my utensils and slowly started to cut into the meat.

"What about your likes?" He asked.

"Well I like (list five things you like)." 'I'm not going to tell him everything, but this should suffice as enough information for him.'

"And your childhood?"

I stopped myself from taking a bite of my food when I heard his question and had a nostalgic and sorrowful expression wash over me.

"Well... that's... something memorable and painful for me. My clan and parents were killed in front of me. The Hidden Leaf despised and loathed me. Shisui, someone who I loved and held dear to me, took his own life. And Itachi died at the hands of his own brother while my Sensei was killed by his pupil. I've lost a lot of people I've loved, but the memories I had with them and the memories I've made along the way are very precious to me."

"That will all be a memory from now on because you'll have me to spend your life with," he softly said.

'I really don't want that.'

I cleared my throat and decided to change the subject to something else that was more important right now, "About our deal... you won't destroy Earth right?"

"I suppose I could postpone it and wait until we build a whole clan who can support us in the destruction of Earth."

"Postpone it?! No! I agreed to come here if you don't go through with it!"

"But if you disobey me then I will destroy it," he sharply shot back at me as his icy blue eyes remained cold making me gulp.

"Why are you trying to destroy Earth? Is that really necessary?" I argued.

"It's Hamura's decree! You shinobi have no right to use chakra!" He slammed his hand down on the table making the plates rattle for a second and making me jump in my seat. "Now enough of this."

I glared at him from across the table and pushed my chair back making it scrape against the floor as I stood upright. "I've lost my appetite."

Toneri stood upright in his seat and yelled, "You should be staying here and finishing your meal with me!"

"I have no intention of doing that right now." I turned on my heel and walked away from the dining table which only angered him.


I ignored him and continued to walk away from him until I heard him groan and a plate shatter. I looked over my shoulder and saw Toneri clutching his eyes with his right arm while placing his left arm on the table to support him from falling over.

"What should I do in this situation?" I mumbled under my breath as I stood there about to walk on over there to help him, but stopped myself with a thought coming to mind.

'Should I even bother helping him when I didn't want to be here nor want any of this?'

I took one last glance at Toneri who was being assisted by a puppet and before he could glance up at me, I ran off in the direction of my room where I pushed the door open and slammed it shut right behind me in panted breaths.

"I need to start finding a way out of here."

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