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"I'm glad we were able to work things out," smiled Toneri who sat across from me at a small round table with some tea being set in front of us.

"Me too," I dully responded as I avoided eye contact with a scowl irking to appear on my lips.

'The only reason I'm here is because you threatened to blow their heads off.'

"You don't appear content. I suggest you do so."

"Why wouldn't I be content?" I forced a closed eyed smile. "I'm here with you."

"It seems like something is still on your mind," he eyed my facial expression that did not falter and he stood up from his seat and walked towards me.

I opened my eyes and saw him standing right beside me and he placed his hand under my chin and lifted it upward so our eyes would meet.

"If you're still worried about my plan, then there's no reason to worry. As long as I can keep you here by my side, that's all that matters to me right now."

"Thank you," I said and reached for his hand and held it in mine as I leaned into his chest as an act and rolled my eyes. "I'll be sure to stay with you as long as that plan doesn't happen. We'll forget about Earth and build a new life here."

Those words that escaped my lips left a bitter taste and a lingering sadness at the thought of everything and everyone I would leave behind for the sake of peace.

"I'm happy to hear that." Toneri ran his fingers through my hair and tenderly smiled at me, but he was itching to confirm something.

"I hope your love for me is growing." He stopped stroking my head and a green orb appeared in the palm of his hand.

I flinched as I felt something creeping inside my head and right above me, the green orb showcased my friends and a familiar blonde with a grin on his face that deeply irked Toneri.

"Why?" Muttered Toneri who placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back so our faces were inches apart. "Why can't I be on your mind?! I'm your husband!"

"Yelling at me like this won't help with that," I scoffed and removed his hands from my shoulders with my hands on his wrists. "I said I would stay with you. I never said I would love you."

My words pierced his heart and he balled his hands into fists all while gritting his teeth. "I'm done being nice today."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I've been too lenient with you today. I gave you the freedom to do as you wish here, but that's something I can't trust you with anymore. You were going to go back to them and him! You're my wife!"

"You're obsessed!" I shouted and threw his hands away from me as I took a step back and sent a glare at him and growing slightly intimidated by the crazed look in his eyes.

I started to take a few more steps back until a force pushed me to the ground. My arms were pulled behind my back and a weigh sat on my back with a hand pushing my head down.

"What the hell is this Toneri?!" I shouted as I remained pinned on the ground with my eyes glued to his feet.

He approached me and knelt down with a green orb in his hand that he held in front of my face that made my eyes grow heavy.

I fought back the urge to close my eyes, but my eyelids grew heavier with each passing second and my eyes fell shut with his voice being the last thing I heard.

"You're mine, (Y/n)."

~A Few Hours Later~

My body felt stiff and sore as I woke up and found myself lying on a hard surface. My eyes darted left and right and I saw black metal bars surrounding me.

I sat upright and realized that I was inside a round black cage. I got up on my feet and gripped onto the narrow metal bars and roughly shook them and angrily yelled out, "Toneri!"

I heard a door open and saw Toneri step out of what seemed like a bathroom.

His hair was damp and slightly sticking to his forehead and he sent a smile my way knowing what I was about to say but nonetheless asked, "Yes?"

"Let me out! Now!"

"I thought this would help you calm down before the wedding tomorrow."

"What made you even think that this would help?!" I shouted with my eyes ablaze.

"Because it's draining your chakra as we speak," he simply smiled and walked towards me.

I let go of the bars and attempted to perform a jutsu only for it to fizzle.

"I'm not stupid. I made sure you wouldn't be able to use your chakra while you're in there."

This cage that I was in was a representation of my robbed freedom and his way of displaying me for himself.

I was a caged and helpless bird desperately awaiting to be set free but there were no means of escape and will be forced to live a life of solitude with him under his care.

"Stop staring at me," I coldly remarked as I turned my back towards him.

"I'm admiring your beauty," he responded.

"I don't care. I want to rest now," I stated.

"You're right, how thoughtless of me. You must be tired now that you're being drained of your chakra. You need your rest for the wedding that we're eagerly looking forward to."

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes shut all while silently muttering, 'Be strong, (Y/n).'

I'll get through this

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