Chapter 22: Cruisin' On Wheels

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Everyone that was permitted to come was standing at the front of the U.A gate. Aizawa was calling role to make sure everyone was there. 

"Ashido?" he called.

"Present!" she yelled back.

"That's everyone, the teachers will be seated at the front and the big three can choose where they want to sit so be kind" Aizawa warned.

Nejire was going to sit with Izuku and Mirio was going to sit with Tamaki. Each student wasn't in their school uniform which made the class look like a mess of colours that got mixed together. 

"You know how to sign out so once you do so, put your luggage in the storage area then jump on the bus" Aizawa instructed.

Nejire was holding Izuku by his right arm so when their sensei told them to get in a single file line it made her pout a little. Each student swiped their ID's and checked out, putting their luggage on the bus. Izuku was one of the first, granting him the choice of where to sit comfortably. 

"Let's sit here Izu!" Nejire exclaimed while pointing at a set of seats near the front. 

"Okay" he replied.

Izuku took the aisle seat while Nejire got the window. There was no dispute as Izuku didn't mind and Nejire preferred the window. Once they sat next to each other the bus started to load up with more and more students from class 1-A. Most of the seats at the front remained empty since everyone else wanted to sit at the back. Oddly smart for when you want to sit alone.

"Alright everyone this is an eight hour bus ride so I recommend you do something that doesn't bore you" Mr. Aizawa stated.

His comment made Nejire snuggle up against Izuku, wearing a big grin in the process. Izuku loved it when she did that and constantly reminded her about it.

"I love i-"

"-it when you do that. I know silly" Nejire finished for him. 

he giggled and snuggled up against her too. The bus started to move and set off on their long journey while principal Nezu waved them off. For the first hour the two of them snuggled, they were seated perfectly in between students and teacher. They were 4 seats from both teachers and students. 

This meant Nejire could do naughty things to Izuku and not get caught, but she was saving that. A wide sinister smile appeared on her lips. Izuku noticed this and took the opportunity to kiss her. Every kiss they shared was wonderful in a whole new way and this one was no different. They parted after ten seconds.

"You're awesome..." Izuku whispered calmly into her ear.

"And you're amazing" she whispered back, kissing his neck lightly.

His breathing hitched at the feeling of her soft lips against his skin. Nejire loved to tease him, she was also very open about it. A feeling of thirst triggered in Izuku again which made him panic, this quirk was so strong that if he got this feeling next to her, there was no stopping him at this point. Unless she didn't consent. That was like a wake up call to him. 

In the second hour, the two do them were scrolling through social media on their phone's, snuggling the whole time. Every once in a while they would come across a good meme and show the other. That was the premise of social medias, Scroll for an hour to find one good meme that made you laugh for just a second.

For the third hour Izuku and Nejire were no longer leaning on each other but instead watching videos on the internet. Both of them had ear phones in so they couldn't really hear anything. Soon after Nejire put on some music and closed her eyes while humming the beat tot he tune. 

In the fourth hour it was only Izuku, Nejire had fallen asleep while listening to her music and was leaning on his shoulder. Izuku found it super cute and took some pictures with her. They went on his favourited list of photos the second they were taken. 

When the fifth hour arrived Izuku was still watching videos about stuff. He was also searching for a video or article of when All Might used to use support gear. Unfortunately Izuku was unsuccessful in find something about it so he would try again another time. Back to watching videos it was. 

In the sixth hour Nejire awoke from her slumber and started to flirt with Izuku. She knew it would activate that evoke quirk so Nejire took advantage of it to get her way. Izuku pushed his lips onto hers while holding Nejire's neck. The smooching noises were kept low as to not alert teachers or students that they were making out but it was still audible if you got close enough. 

A good amount of time passed while they were showing their passion for one another by using their tongue's. In fact in between the times where Nejire would grab his pants or Izuku would get too caught up in the moment and accidently touch her breasts an entire hour had passed. Somehow no one had caught them but that was better for the two.

The seventh and eighth hour was just site seeing of all the beautiful mountains and springs they could see. After the long journey the bus finally arrived at their destination. 

"Alright everyone, I know it's been a long trip but you still need to unpack before you can go to sleep" Aizawa announced.

Everyone gathered their bags and got off the bus to also collect their luggage that the bus driver was hauling out. When the class was able to enter the area they could see wonderfully large cabins that were like mini homes. Another plus was a massive lake in the middle of the place with cabins stretching all the way from the start to other end of the lake. There was also small yacht like boats that made the students question how U.A could afford this.

It was almost time for the sunset to appear and one of the staff members of the place began to speak.

"Hello everyone! My name is Emi and we will be accompanying you on your stay here! We only have a couple rules for you to follow. The first one is that you can complete activities at any time, even during the middle of the night, however if you are doing during the night you have to remain quiet. You also don't need supervision to assist you as we all know that you're responsible teenagers. Second, Meals can be had at anytime of the day with our 24 hour buffet! After 9pm we will no longer serve you food and you will have to put food on your own plates, we replace the food every day before 7am so don't worry about that" The female staff member explained.

"You can go and unpack now, I'm sure you're tired after such a long trip" she finished.

While looking at the group of student, one caught her eye, he was such a hotty in her opinion and would love to have a shot with him.

"Hey kid! What's your name?" Emi asked.

"Oh, m-my n-name is Mizuku Idoriya- I mean Izuku Midoriya" he responded with his girlfriend right beside him.

'Not only is he good looking but his personality is cute too!' Emi thought.

Izuku looked her up and down really swiftly as to avoid any misunderstandings. She was wearing a vibrant red shirt that was a size too small, outlining her curves. Emi also had blonde hair and had a somewhat cute face, she had blue eyes, the same colour as Nejire's but at the same time, completely different.

Nejire was already skeptical of her and decided to lure her boyfriend away. 

"Hey Izu, we should go on a boat and watch the sunset together!" she suggested.

"That's a great idea Neji! Lets unpack first and then we'll take a boat" Izuku replied.

Hearing Izuku's voice in his soothing manner made Nejire relax and drop her guard from overprotective to friendly. 


Author's note: The wheels on the bus go round round rou- I mean that chapter was a doozy, I can't wait to continue thinking of the plot for this story! Also for any of you who are wondering how long this story will be I'm planning to go until I exhaust myself of ideas or I think the story has hit the perfect end point. For a rough estimation I would say around 35 to 40 chapters but it could easily be more. 

Anyways, Peace and see you soon!

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