Chapter 34: Regret

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Izuku opened the door to reveal Shigaraki, Dabi and Compress. Regret filled him as he shut the door again. The expression on his face was priceless to the villains. He turned around to fine that Toga, Emi and Spinner had him cornered against the door. A few seconds later the doors burst open with the other trio on the other side.

'Crap, I need to get outside of this building somehow' Izuku thought.

"I really thought you were a worthy ally, turns out I was wrong, you're just as weak as you were when you started at U.A" Shigaraki spoke with a scratchy voice.

"You're wrong about that... I've improved massively and I will beat you, no matter what!" Izuku shouted in reply.

The six of them charged Izuku as he readied another detroit smash. He pointed his arm and finger in the direction of Shigaraki's group when Izuku suddenly pointed his finger at the floor. He switched his hand into a fist, although painfully. Izuku used a maxed out punch to send himself flying up into the air. 

The walls surrounding him collapsed and the group was dispersed through the massive tons of rubble. Time seemed to slow in the few moments Izuku could see everything around in a 30 kilometer radius. The city lights burned brighter than the brightest stars in the night sky, even far away they managed to seem to light up your world.

Izuku had no landing plan. His arm was already broken and had a burnt texture to it. Izuku's decent started and he began to fall at a fast speed. He had no other choice other than to ready a detroit smash to slow his fall at the very least. It was coming down to the last few seconds until he collided with the rubble laying below him. 

'3...2...1...Now!' he counted in his head.

Izuku was about to release his finger when he was caught by a blur of motion. He was sent flying over the city high up in the sky. Arms were wrapped around his chest and Izuku was close to passing out. A familiar blue and green suit made Izuku's eyes light up with surprise.

'Could it be?' he thought.

Izuku used his broken arm to trace the person's back, when he got a look at their face. It was Nejire Hado. She really did have a way of saving the day, just like he had been told the day he met the big three. 

A big smile crept it's way onto his beaten and bloodied face. 

"Neji?" he choked out softly.

"Don't worry Izuku, you're safe now" she said calmly while hugging him tighter. 

It hurt a lot when she hugged tighter but it was too difficult to tell her. Izuku pushed his pain aside and hugged back. Nejire turned back around with the spirals underneath her feet. The remaining villains had been taken out by most of the school staff and some other pro heroes that joined the raid. 

Izuku and Nejire descended slowly, taking in the breath taking view. He closed his eyes as he was set down, a streak of blood running down his head to his eye was very apparent, as well as most of his other injuries. The last thing he saw before completely blacking out was seeing Nejire smile through tears with Mirio and Tamaki by her side, comforting her, while he was put in the back of an ambulance.


Izuku awoke, tired and with a headache. He was in a hospital room, presumably near the sight of his kidnapping. Nejire was asleep with her head resting on his bed while her hand rested on his. Izuku smiled and attempted to move, he struggled to do so, causing Nejire to wake up. Izuku looked into her royal blue eyes that seemed endless, they fluttered open and she stared at Izuku for a second before pouncing him.

"Izu! I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you since you went missing!" Nejire cried while snuggling her head into the nape of his neck.

"It's ok now. The reason I escaped was all thanks to you actually".

"Really?" she sobbed.

"Yeah, I was too weak to move since they kept trying to get information from me and convert me to a villain. I was given a plain room with a tv and I saw your message. It gave me the strength I needed to at least try to escape, even if it meant I would only get to see you one more time" Izuku explained.

Nejire mumbled something about loving him, Izuku returned her words, or what he heard of them. The door to the side of them slid open and revealed a doctor. Nejire removed herself from him, although reluctantly.

"Ah, it's good to see you're awake Midoriya" the doctor exclaimed.

He walked into the room and behind the doctor followed Mr. Aizawa. 

"We were able to find you thanks to a tracker Yaoyorozu placed in your hair" Mr. Aizawa spoke tiredly.

Izuku fished around in his hair until he found a small blinking device that displayed his location.

"When did she put a tracker on me?" Izuku asked.

"Apparently she put it on you to monitor your location when you were at the camp site. Personally I think she's lying but I wouldn't pry if I were you, it did just save your life after all" he finished.

"You'll be on bedrest back at the U.A dorms for a couple of days but you should be fine and dandy by then. However, upon doing our tests on you, we found another quirk affecting you. Would you happen to know abut it?" the doctor asked.

"Oh yeah, I was hit by it a few weeks ago when I was fighting some thief's" Izuku answered.

"Well it seems to be dissipating, we weren't sure if this was good or not but your clarification explains that it is good".

"You'll be discharged in an hour or two while we wait for the paperwork to go through and you'll be sent back to U.A grounds. It won't be a long ride since you were brought back to the city when you were taken" Mr. Aizawa added.

Izuku smiled at them and then at Nejire who was sitting next to him on the bed. She snuggled up to him in a protective manner. Aizawa and the doctor left the room swiftly. 

"I can take care of you for the weekend Izu, I'll never let anything bad happen to you again" Nejire spoke.

"You don't have to Neji, I'm just glad to be back"

Nejire giggled in response and kissed his right cheek. 

"You're too kind Izu, I want to take care of you, it's the least I can do" Nejire added.

Izuku stared at Nejire before his instincts took over. He softly pressed his lips against hers while they snuggled each other in the hospital bed. This is where their story ends, but another chapter of their lives has just begun.



Author's note: I have finally completed this story. I took a long break before updating just so I would know how to finish the story, it didn't make it to 40 chapters but I didn't want to risk declining the short novel's quality. Thank you all for reading my story :)

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