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[Bowaev's POV]

We were all in the living room, doing what we usually do as me and Boder were drawing on colored sheets of paper.

Bobot walks to the table that we were both at and sits next to Boder.

"Can I join for a bit?" Bobot asks as Boder smiles towards him and nods. Me on the other hand was too busy scribbling a airplane.

"Bowaev! Could you get my phone from my room?" I hear Bob shout from the couch, where he and Bosip were sitting at.

I sighed as I was so close to completing the airplane sketch. "Alriggghtt fineeee" I whined as I dragged both the 'g' and the 'e'.

I lazily got up and headed over to the hallway where each of our rooms were at. Why can't Bob just get his phone himself?

Even I knows the answers to the questions. Bowaev ignores Bob's laziness and enters a door that had the name tag 'Bob's Room' with bold letters.

As I enter inside, I'm greeted with Bob's bed.

I walk around the room, checking his bed first as I search for his phone

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I walk around the room, checking his bed first as I search for his phone.

Suprisingly, the bed isn't as messy as I thought Bob would make it. Everything around the room actually looked neat.

Too bad I'm gonna destroy the whole place just by looking for his phone.

Eventually I found it, just knocked over a couple of pillows and books on the floor but I'm sure he won't mind.

"Finally, I really hope nobody touched my drawing" I safely put Bob's phone in my pocket as I looked around the 'now-messy-room'.

My eyes land over to Bob's closet. I'm a curious person, I like to snoop around peoples stuff, sort of like 'what's your is mine'.

I walk over to the closet, putting my hand on the door as it slightly opens. I reach over to the light switch to brighten the closet room.

The light shines as I was greeted with multiple clothes, hanging from the rack pole. 'This is all of his clothes, surely there's more right?'

My mind speaks to me as I reach both of my hands between two hanged up clothes, parting them away from each other.



I go deeper into the closet, looking around to find anything that would look interesting, and I did.

There I saw a mannequin, on it was a white t-shirt, grey pants, and a yellow jacket. Beside the mannequin was a table that had used bandages on top of it.

I cringed while looking at the bandages, why hasn't he thrown those out yet? But most importantly.

Why haven't I seen him wear this before?

I have the urge to ask him about the whole clothing, but I'd have to wait for the right moment.

I'll just have to keep quiet till then.

I hurriedly rush out of the closet, shutting it behind me so I wouldn't get caught by anyone. It's not like he would notice that somebody dug into his closet or anything.

I rush out of the room, arriving back to the living room. "Your drawings safe!" Bobot yelled over to me as I sighed in relief.

I walked over to where Bob was and handed him his phone, not saying a single word. He looks up at me and we stare at each other for a bit until I awkwardly walk away.

I have a feeling he knows I wanna ask or at least say something, but i'm not gonna say it yet.

I return to table, sitting down in front of both Bobot and Boder. "Anyways, you guys wanna try an art trade?".



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