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[Bowaev's POV]

It's been two days since I went into Bob's room. I'm still extremely curious about the clothing, but soon, I'll ask him about it.

Likewise, we were all at the living room except Boder wasn't home. He was out with Bofo, they didn't say where they were going but I just knew they headed out.

Bosip and Bob at the couch as always. I stare at them from the kitchen. I wanted to bake some cookies today but at the same time I needed a supervisor for myself in case I mix something up.

I mean, the last time I made cookies, it wasn't really 'that' bad, right?

[Literally Not Too Long Ago]


Bobal shouted as the whole house was burning up into flames. Bowaev was scared for his life as Bosip held him closely so he wouldn't get hurt.


Bobot was quick to pull the Emergency lever as the fire was now replaced with water sprinklers.

Boder was helping and giving Bofo support while the rest just stared at Bowaev.

"u-uh, hnnnggh...." Bowaev fumbled with his words as Bob crossed his arms at him. "What did we tell you about supervision?"

Bowaev's head was hung low. ".....never do something without a older supervisor..."

Bob sighs as he talks more, or well, lectures more towards Bowaev. Although those words coming out of Bob's mouth? Surprising to say the least.

Boder and Bobot helped repair Bofo. Bosip started mopping the place while Bobal contacted Amor about the destruction.

[Flashback End]


I waited for anybody to come near me, I didn't wanna ask cause everybody's doing their own thing at the moment.

All I could do was stare at Bob and Bosip, but, mainly Bob, and to think about that one question circulating my head.

All I could do was stare at Bob and Bosip, but, mainly Bob, and to think about that one question circulating my head

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[Bobal's POV]

I walk out of my room. Finally finished unpacking what Bobot gave me. It was a....miku figurine..?

I was confused at to why he gave it to me but, he also gave me those games pieces I needed to finish building my new pc.

Amor could've helped but at the same time he was also busy with things. He said something about 'marrying his toilet', it was, odd. I guess the whole relationship between him and the chair didn't go so well.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to ask Bosip for some assistance, this pc is way harder to assemble than I thought. I feel like I just built a bomb instead, WHICH I DIDNT BY THE WAY.

Heading over to the living room as I look around for Bosip, not surprised he's be with his love dove Bob. And on the couch as well.

Seeing these two makes me feel like I'm in a slow-burned story or something like that. Also a third wheeler.

I look over to the kitchen to see Bowaev, who looks like he was just about to cook.

"Bowaev, remember what we told you" I said as I approached the kitchen counter, standing beside Bowaev, but he didn't seem to listen.

"Bowaeeeeev" Still no answer.

I spoke a little louder, "Bowaev!", again, no response from him. I huffed as I looked over to who he was looking at.

Just like me, he was staring at those two. The pineapple and the smurf. He was looking at Bob more intensely though.

Just to make sure, I kept watching and eyeing both Bowaev and Bob's movements, and they matched.

Bowaev didn't show any emotion when looking towards Bob, but I have a feeling somethings off. I don't really wanna get involved into it but a strong feeling I have is saying 'they got into a fight'.

I scratch the back of my head in confusion. Suddenly, Bowaev finally turns around to be met with me.

"FUCK, BOBAL YOU SCARED ME" He says while clutching onto his shirt. I shrugged, "I called you multiple times but you didn't answer".

He sighs, "Yeah well, I'm answering now, is there something you need?". I wanted to ask him about Bob but, again I wasn't sure wether I wanted to get involved or not.

This might be about the cooking thing, like Bob's lecturing bothered Bowaev or something like that. I decided to not ask him.

"Uh, do you need help with the cooking stuff?" He smiles brightly and nods. "THANK YOU, I've been waiting for a couple of minutes for someone to help me".

"You could've just asked us you know?" I checked my phone, those two should be home soon. Hopefully quickly so I could tell them about this.

"I know, I just didn't wanna bother" He says after preparing the oven.

"Hey Bobal, I put the stove to 420 degrees, do we put it up to 500 or-"




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