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[Amor's POV]

I was casually scrolling through my social media feed like I usually do, leaning back on my gaming chair, till I was greeted with a small yet familiar 'ding!'.

I rearrange my chair to the regular position I would sit in as my hand reaches my mouse, closing all my tabs and looking at me shortcut file.

I double tap on the file as it then brings me to the view of Bowaev and Bob sitting at what looks like to be Bob's room.

"Oh hey you two, what's up?" I asked the both of them. "Ah Amor, as you can see, Bob isn't in his regular state, basically, we wanna tell you something".

I nodded as Bob slowly started explaining.






"-and well, I never told a single person ever since"

The air was full of silence as Bowaev breaks it, "Amor?" Bob looks over at me and sees the tears escaping my face.

"That's such a beautiful story *sniffle* a better story than Romeo and Juliet" I took a tissue and blew on it as Bob sighs at my dramatic ass.

After finishing my quirky session, I decided to share my part of the story.

"You see, there are some details that kinda add up into my experience, it was way back when I was about 16 years old as well"

Bowaev looked interested as Bob's attention was fully on me, surprised that I had some sort of relation towards his past.

"Really? Does that mean you knew about Bob all along?" I shook my head, "no, I just noticed now, but their were some things Bob described in his point of view that connected with mine".

I began:

"I came home from school one day, it was the day before thanksgiving, I wanted to finish my project before anything-

I held my mouse, going to Google slides as I tried getting into my project, yes, I tried. I clicked over and over again, yet the page didn't seem to load.

"What the, is my internet down or something?" I look over to my internet, but it looked normal as usual.

I shake my pc in annoyance as I was just trying to get my work done. Finally, the page loads.

I sigh as I sit back on my gaming chair. The slides showing up as I started typing.

But the more I typed, the more distorted things became, the slides started clicking on its own, and the text boxes started to move a lot.

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