Chapter 8 At Your Service

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As Jennie talking to Wihajun regarding the project, "Wihajun, be ready for tomorrow's meeting." came a voice from behind. Both of them turned to see Lisa standing. Jennie as soon as she saw her, apprehensively asked, "When did you wake up?.. I thought you were sleeping.. Why are you up?.. The doctor advice you to rest.... You need to go back and lie down." As she kept rambling on, Lisa kept looking at her sunddenly she shushed her with her hand on her mouth and said, "So many questions.. my head hurts by just listening to your question... Be quiet, shsss.." She turned to look Wihajun and said, "Arrange a meeting with Mr. Soo hyun tommorow and just make sure he will be present. Do you understand?" Wihajun nodded in agreement and picked up the files and left. As he left, Jennie turned to go back to her room when all of a sudden Lisa reached out and held her hand to stop her.

Jennie for a moment was bewilded as to why Lisa grapsed her hand, she fearfully looked at her and stuttered, "M.-My.. Hand.. Why are you holding my hand?" Lisa cocked her rigth eyebrow and asked, "How did you know that the company had taken a mortgage in exchange for their shares... My entire team has been working on it for the last 2 months and they never discovered this.. I check the entire file myself but...however, you found it our immediately looking at the file.. How?" Jennie smiled and answered, "I majored in Marketing and Business in the university. I understand the tricks and trades and maybe that's why I could figure it out, I guess." "I see," said Lisa and then went back to her room. Seeing Lisa left, Mr. Manoban walked up to Jennie and suggested, "Lisa it seems that you have a knack for our business. Why don't you join our company and work long with Lisa."

Jennie remained quiet for a while and then answered, "No dad, I don't think it's such a good idea, especially Lisa, she, for sure won't be ok with the idea of me joining the company. She can barely seeing tolerate seeing me in this house and to be honest, I do not want to aggravate her anger any futher." Listening to Jennie, Mr. Manoban sighed, "Jennie, I'm not saying that you are wrong but think about yourself for a minute. You are very talented and do you really think you should be wasting it by not exploring and just sitting at home. Think about it." With this Mr. Manoban went back to his room. Marco's words kept weighed on Jennie's mind, she kept thinking that after working so hard to achieve for her dreams, it would be a shame to let it go, to waste her degree by just sitting and doing nothing at home. She wanted to talk Lisa about it but was nervous worrying that it might upset her. After a while she walked up to Lisa's room and stood it front of her door. Jennie's nervousness was displayed quite clearly in her face. She stood in front of her door for about half an hour just thinking about whether she should talk Lisa or not. After much contemplation, Jennie muttered to herself, 'C'mon Jennie, you can do it... Just be confident and focus.' Taking a deep breath, she entered her room. Lisa on seeing Jennie asked, "What are you doing here? Do you need anything?" Jennie silently stared at Lisa for a while and then finally stammered, "I..I needed to talk you to about something." And this was followed by a long pause. Lisa seeing Jennie silent, got irritated but before she could say anything, Jennie continued, "The.. The thing is.. The dinner is ready..Come and eat." "Seriously!.. Is this what you wanted to say to me after waiting outside my door for almost half an hour?" Lisa exclaimed.

"Come for dinner, everyone's waiting for you." said Jennie and hurriedly exited her room. As she came out of the room, she thought to herself, "Damn... After mustering up my courage, I could not even open my mouth in front of her. No worries, I can try again later. After all, my career is at stake."

Meanwhile, Lisa in her room thought to herself, "Who takes half an hour to just ask me to dinner? Was that all?... Who knows, chuck it." Saying this, Lisa haded downstairs. At dinner, Lisa's eyes were locked on Jennie was talking to her mom and smiling. Her wavy and silky hair dropped on her shoulders and her captivating and gummy smile had enchanted Lisa. Lisa kept staring at her.. Jennie tucked her hair behind her ears.. and the twinkle in her cat eyes added to her beauty. Lisa stood at her place for a while as she gazed at Jennie and once could see a slight smile creep on her lips when someone called up her name. Lisa, on hearing her name came back to her senses and shrugged. She turned to see grandma calling for her, and walked up to her in the hopes that no one would have noticed her smile. However, sitting in the couch was Mr. Manoban who was quietly observing everything.

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