Chapter 7 Get well Soon

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Lisa turned back to go to her room and that is when Jennie saw her as she opened the door and she called her, "I know you are here to check whether I'm okay or not but don't worry I am not going to assume anything from it, you can come and see me." Lisa was surprised to see Jennie guess exactly what was going on in her mind. She embarrassingly entered her room and enquired about her health seriously, "How's your hand? I heard you burnt it while you were cooking... Seems like you got a little to excited to win the bet. I hope you didn't take our conversation form last time seriously."

Jennie snarked back, "You are aware that there are other people living in this house too right?... I was cooking for all of us and not just for you.. and just so you know, not only you but everyone else too complimented me for the food that I had cooked the other day, which is why I glad to do it again for all of them, but as you can see my hand is like this now."Jennie said while raising her hand and pointing towards it. Lisa was amazed to see Jennie speak to her with such confidence when only a few days ago, she was terrified of even standing in front of her. Lisa went back to her room without saying anything to her.

During dinner, Lisa noticed that Jennie was not having her meals. Everyone was enjoying their food while Jennie was just sitting, looking at their faces. She was finding it difficult to eat because of her hand. After dinner, everyone went back to their respective room, Jennie was still at the table trying to eat from her plate. Just then, Lisa carried a plate of food and sat beside her and said, "I could notice that you were fiddling with you food. Your hand is hurt and I know you are hungry... Here, I'll help you." Jennie could not believe that the woman who completely ignore her in the past way right now actually offering to help her. Lisa help Jennie by sliding her plate towards her and fed her bit by bit. While she was feeding her, she thought about whether she should ask her about her family or not. "Can I ask you something, will you answer me?

"Sure, why not." Jennie replied.

"I heard that you lost your parents in an accident, after which the Won's adopted you", mentioned Lisa carefully. As she heard this, Jennie's heart sank and after staying silent for a while, she with a lump in her throat, and shared, "I was 3 when the accident happened. I was present to the spot at the time of the accident, holding their lifeless body with my little hands and kept requesting them to get up and take me home, not realizing that they were never gonna wake up." As she spoke tears welled up in her eyes and she ended up weeping uncontrollably. Seeing Jennie like this, Lisa couldn't help but embrace her. She wrapped her arms around her and slowly patted her in her back in the effort of comforting her. She wanted to ask her further about her brother but as she was already crying so much, she did not want to push it.

The next day...

Lisa woke up early and went to her office. As Wihajun arrived in her office, Lisa looked at him in an asserting tone said, "Hey man, you are here! You do remember right, we have to leave for Singapore for a week, to finalize the deal for our project next month. I hope are you done with all the arrangement. I need to crack this deal at all costs. I need your complete focus and all your attention to be only on this project from now on, do you understand?"

"Just a few this ago you wanted me to focus on Jennie's plan and now you want me to focus on this project?.. c'mon man, make your mind!' Wihajun Jokily said. Hearing him tease, Lisa was embarrassed but then she shrugged and said, "Well, just focus on the project for now, got it?"

Lisa had buried herself in her work to such an extent that she had not even been home once in 4 days. She used to eat, sleep and breath in her office. Jennie was worried for her however, she could not call her as she knew that  she would be upset if she did. That night, Lisa finally came home but her face reflected how exhausted she was from all the stress at work. Jennie spotted her walking straight towards her room without uttering a single word to anyone. She was relieved to see her come back home after so many days.

The next day, Lisa couldn't even get up from her bed. Her entire body feeling hot and she could not even open her eyes properly. Slowly as she open her eyes, which is when she saw Jennie standing in front of her. She snapped, "You!... What the hell are you doing in my room?!.. How dare you to come into my room without my permission!" Jennie however ignoring her and help her lay back down on her bed. Lisa, getting to reaction from her, thought to herself. 'Despite my rude behavior, she is still in my room, instructing me around.' Jennie then sat beside her and place a wet towel in her forehead. Lisa had overworked herself due to which her body suffered and she was caught with a fever.

Lisa's fever did not go down even after a few hours, due to which Jennie took her to the hospital. The doctor at the hospital examined Lisa, and prescribed some medicines for her. The doctor told Jennie, "The wet towel was the good idea, however, you have to make sure that even though her temperature is down right now, she must be consume these medicines at the proper time." As they left the hospital, Lisa in a drowsed state grumbled, "I know I'm sick but that does mean you can oder me around."

"As long as your are unwell, you have to follow my instructions. You have no choice but to listen to me," Jennie replied.

That day, from time to time, Jennie kept checking on her temperature and fever. This did not go unnoticed by Lisa, "Why are you doing this? Why can't you just go to your room chill? You have been here since morning." Jennie inquired weakly, "I know you don't like me being here in your room. Don't worry about it though. As soon as you get better, I'll leave and won't come back. So right now all you need to do is work on getting better so that you can drive me out of your room, okay?" She responded calmly. During her illness, Jennie was taking properly care of her. She fed her and helped her taking her medicines on time.

On one such day, Wihajun came home to ask Lisa about something related to the project but she was sleeping.

Jennie stopped Wihajun from disturbing Lisa's sleep and said, "Lisa is down with fever and she is resting in her room.

Wihajun stopped in his tracks and told Jennie that he had come to discuss a few things with Lisa regarding their upcoming project. Jennie took the file from his hand and started flipping through its pages, in his mind 'What is she looking at... It's not as if she's going to undertand anything.' As the same time, all the member of the family were present in the living room. Jennie requested Wihajun to sit on the couch and questioned, "Wihajun, where is the real document which contains all the records of amount invested in this project? You know this one's fake rigth? Because the company that you are dealing with, has taken a huge loan from the market itself, look what it says here..(She passed the file to him) Noticing this, he bemusedly answered, "How is that possible? The company said that it was their dream project and hence they would fund it using their company share."

Jennie further pointed out on one of the page and showed it to we Wihajun and she explained, "Nope, as you can see, here, this document has been sighed by the president of the company whereas, the other one has a bank manager's signatures on them." Listening to this entire conversation between them was Lisa who was amused to see Jennie easily understanding things and catching onto the details with such precision.

Jennie was creating a new picture in her eyes. 

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