Chapter 5: I want revenge

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CHAPTER 5: I WANT REVENGE 𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎

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I look over the same menu for the hundredth time. The last thing I wanted to do was go home and sulk so I went with the second most thing that makes me happy. Food. The first is every Lana Del Ray album.

A little ways from campus is a restaurant called 'Mervin'. I'd never actually been inside until now but walking past seeing the purple neon lights, Grey velvet couches, and golden tables I knew it was amazing.

Ivy's gonna kill me for not inviting her.

I settle down the menu and let out a huff when someone slides out of the chair next to me.

"Waldorf" a husky voice appears. A annoying husky voice.

Oh no.

"How'd you find me?" I'm starting to think he put a tracker on me.

"I followed you" he says casually.



"And you can't see how weird and crazy that is"

"I have my reason so no" he shrugs.

"And that is?"

"One I wanted to make sure you're okay"

"I would say how nice of you but we both know you aren't" I replied.

"Two I really wanted some food"

"Which one meant more," I ask.

"Mostly two," he says dryly.

I roll my eyes as the chef comes up with a plate of fluffy pancakes. "You looked like you were having trouble so I picked this for you," he says.

I'm loving this restaurant even more.

"Thank you so much"

"On the house" he nods and walks away.

I take a bite of my pancakes and gosh my mouth almost melts.

"Look I'm sorry about the Ethan and Jenna thing"

"Are you really?"

"It did give me a little satisfaction seeing your face when you realized your oh precious Eathn was cheating on you"

Why am I talking to him again?

"But you did surprise me"

"How?" I ask ready thinking of my comeback to the snarky comment he's about to say.

"I expect most girls to cry after they just found out they got cheated on"

Hearing the words 'cheated on' out loud hit me. "I'm not sad"

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