Chapter 32: The Big B

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CHAPTER 32: The Big B

CHAPTER 32: The Big B

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Leonie Waldorf

Christmas is officially ruined

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Christmas is officially ruined.

Rowan, Ian, and I have officially checked off every possible bad thing that could happen during Christmas dinner.

1.Slap your boyfriend's father


2. Punch your boyfriend's father's new fiancé, who's also your mortal enemy.


3. Have an unexpected guest.


Okay there's a serious explanation on why this family is here. Sure a surprise from Rowan equals a Christmas gift of coal, but I've seen this woman before. After I'd left my meeting with my agent I ran into the same tightly dressed woman on the street.

I don't know this woman of any sorts and she did seem oddly weird when I met her. But I just can't explain it, I oddly feel connected to her.

With Ian's arms still around my waist I fixed my posture and Rowan's hands clasped together. "Meet Travis and Lisa brown." Rowan gestures to the family standing in front of us. "I can tell you with great certainty this isn't a bad time."

Ding. That's it again. Rowan pulling another underhanded stunt towards Ian and I. But this one...

It seems worse.

What am I supposed to do? It's obvious to the family this wasn't a good time to interrupt and each figure in front of me seemed to be utterly confused.

Before I open my mouth to break the awkward silence taking over the room Ian speaks up. "You and your guest can fuck off Rowan. My girl and I are leaving." He says with the last words filled with venom.

"Don't be rude son. I taught you better manners than that." Rowan whips his head in Ian direction. "Plus I think Leonie will be interested in meeting the brown family."

Okay their children are cute, all children are and they seem like a picture perfect family. But I have no desire to stick around to shake hands with them.

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