Chapter 22: Girls Night

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CHAPTER 22: Girls Night

CHAPTER 22: Girls Night𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎

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Ian enjoys four things in life: hockey, me, comics, and me again. He told me so this morning.

I browse the comic section of the library trying to find something he might like before heading to the bookstore. He's always buying me things so I wanted to return the favor.

I have read a few comics in my lifetime but I'm not the biggest fan. To find what specific comic characters he likes I did a little research on X-man comics at one of the library tables before heading to the comic section.

I sense he read X-man comics the most when I quietly for good reason looked through all his belongings. I swear it's not weird. I just happened to stumble upon a sweatshirt I liked so I took it and then took a necklace of his which led to me ambushing through his thing.

Hey! Who is he to judge? He's a total stalker. I'm sure myself and the whole world agree he has no room to talk.

While I looked through his things I found an X-men key chain which gave me the great idea to buy him rare X-man comics.

I know I'm a genius.

I continue to browse with two comics picked out for me to buy when I hear a voice. "Doing anything tonight?"

"Yeah. My girlfriend."

My cheeks go red when I hear that voice. His voice. The voice that says the sweetest things and the cruelest.

He could call me love and slut in the same sentence and I would love it.

Okay, Leonie stop the intrusive thoughts.

I gaze shifts to where the voice stands. Ian and a girl. A pretty girl. A gourouges girl. Ginger hair and blue eyes. Ugh, why can't Ian be less attractive? I mean is it that hard to wake up in the morning and think "hey maybe I won't walk around looking hot today so my fake girlfriend's eyes won't burn at the sight of girls hitting on me."

Is that too hard?

"Girlfriend? I thought that whole thing was a publicity stunt." The ginger laughs. "I don't get involved with men in relationships, it's not my thing so I Guess I'll see you never."

With that, the ginger pats Ian on the shoulder and walks away. Ian hasn't noticed my dagger eyes so I turn my head back to the comic as if I hadn't witnessed anything.

A body comes behind me and wraps its arms around my waist nuzzling its head between my neck and shoulder.

"Waldorf." Ian says planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Ian." I turn to face him but he kisses me before I can say anything.

"I missed you."

"It's only been an hour." I retorted.

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